The Secrets of the Centenarians: How to Live to 100!

When Helen Boardman was still a girlish 99, she fell in love again--with a younger man.

?I robbed the cradle,? laughs the trim centenarian, who married a man twenty years her junior for ?companionship,? she says slyly. ?Bill was lonesome---I wasn?t!--but I enjoyed his company and we had the same interests. So we fell in love.?

It didn?t hurt that Bill Boardman had the same last name.

?That was a coincidence,?adds Bill. ?She kept getting my checks, I got her bills, so out of necessity, we had to get married!?

Nowadays, the twosome often perform together in plays at Friendship Village, an independent living facility outside of Chicago where they share a one-bedroom apartment. Helen writes, directs, and stars in the productions.

?I don?t get nervous...I?m over all that,? she shrugs nonchalantly.

She?s 107. He?s 86.

Still romance after eight years? ?A little,? Helen laughs, ?when he?s real nice to me, which is most of the time. He?s a good guy.?

?To be perfectly frank, ? notes Bill, ?Helen doesn?t seem 20 years older at all. She?s never acted like an old lady. Last New Year?s Eve, we stayed up until midnight dancing. I think she?s maintained her youth quite well!?

Indeed, decked out in pearls and a smart black-and-white checkerboard dress, nestled into a couch in her living room, the woman born in June, l896, says: ?I feel young inside...I?d say about 60.? She doesn?t even dye her still- auburn hair. ?My mother and father didn?t go gray either,? she says with pride. ? I guess I?m drinking from the Fountain of Youth.?

?Sometimes,? she adds, miffed by those around her in their 80?s and 90?s who complain about their health, ?I feel like a teenager in an old folk?s home!? An avid reader, book reviewer, and world traveler, with 12 trips to Europe under her belt, Helen also recites poetry, gardens, flower arranges, and lifts weights daily!

?Just one or two or pounds each arm,? she demurs of her bicep curls.

Her secret of longevity? ?Strawberry shortcake!? she smiles sweetly. ?One big piece, every day.?

* * * * *

The Centenarian Jackpot

The remarkable Helen Boardman is not alone. In the U.S. today, there are more than 50,000 centenarians, the nation?s fastest growing age group. Although the current life expectancy for the average American is 76.9 years, by the year 2050 there will be an estimated one million people living to 100. That?s substantial progress. In 1900, the average life span extended to age 47. In 1800, it was a mere 30 years-old.

?The secret to reaching 100 nowadays is a combination of genetics, lifestyle choices, mental acuity, and just plain luck!? notes Thomas T. Perls, M.D., author of Living to 100: Lessons in Living to Your Maximum Potential at Any Age (Basic Books).

This landmark book, written with Margery Hutter Silver, Ed.D. is based on the ongoing New England Centenarian Study, begun in l994, which reveals that old age can be filled with lucidity, mobility, and good health.1

?Of the 1,500 centenarians in our study,? says Perls, ?a great majority were in terrific shape the vast majority of their lives. Rather than accumulating damage, they?re actually shedding it.?

How so? ?Most people believe the older you get, the sicker you get, a very pessimistic point of view. The centenarians we?ve met demonstrate the opposite: the older they get, the healthier they?ve been. I call them centenarian jackpots. From a medical standpoint, they?ve been able to markedly delay or altogether escape diseases that we normally associate with aging--like heart disease, cancer, stroke, or Alzheimer?s.

?I haven?t had anything,? notes Helen Boardman. No diseases. No medications. ?I take an aspirin occasionally,? she admits, for hip pain.

?Freed from any major illness,? says Dr. Perls, ?many centenarians like Helen are cooking their own meals, balancing checkbooks, driving their own cars, lifting weights, playing bridge, and reading novels, and socializing with family and friends.

Some are even competing in the Senior Olympics. Take, for example, another remarkable centenarian, Marguerite Kuekelhan, born in August l897. At age 105, she?s the world record holder (in her age class) for shotput! Last July, at the Washington State Senior Games in Olympia, the 97-pound athlete could be seen hurling a 6 1/2 pound metal ball 6 feet into the air

Her secret? ?I think it?s the spirit within you,? she says crisply. Being 90 or 100 is no excuse for inactivity? ?Heavens no! I try not to let age keep me down at all. This year I?m trying to break my record and make it better,? says 4-foot 10 inch dynamo, who hopes to beat her best practice throw at 7?6?.

Is all this fun? ?No,? she groans. ?The ball is very heavy; I?d rather bounce a rubber ball.? In fact, she recently played exhibition basketball against the Seattle Supersonics, warning the crowd: ?Before I get started, I haven?t dribbled in about 100 years!?

That?s for sure. A widow after 55 years of marriage, Marguerite lives alone in a tidy apartment in an independent living facility in Olympia, does her own cooking and cleaning, always uses the stairs, and does her leg and ankle exercises each morning to maintain strength and balance for the shotput.

?And I still drive,? she says with pride, ?though I?m giving that up when I turn 106 this August. I just feel as if my reactions are not as quick as they used to be. But I still see very very well and I hear well too--though I had to get one of those things! [a hearing aid. * * * * * Genetic Booster Rockets

What in the world is going on here? A woman getting married at 99 and starring in plays? Another shotputting and dribbling a basketball? What Fountain are they drinking from?

?These centenarians,? notes Dr. Perls, ?are blessed with what I call ?genetic booster rockets?, a built-in biological advantage which boosts them above the norm. Anyone living to extreme old age has this genetic edge. They were endowed with the ?Rolls Royces? of genes, what scientists call ?super genes,?? which act as longevity insurance. These genes slow down aging and reduce the risk of contracting diseases. Centenarians in our study who lived to 105 usually died of pneumonia, or even a household accident--having never developed any chronic disease of aging. For sure, extreme old age runs in families.?

Both Helen and Marguerite?s parents lived into their 80?s, with close relatives of both topping 102.

Even with average genes, however, it?s possible to extend longevity more than ever before, says Dr. Perls: ?Not long ago, 85 was considered ancient. Now it?s relatively easy to achieve that age if you play your cards right. It all boils down to four simple things: not smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, strength training, and avoiding excessive sun exposure and alcohol. Those are the biggies.?

One such example is the nation?s oldest man, 113-year-old Fred Hale, born in New Sharon, Maine on December 1, l890, when Benjamin Harrison was President.

Up until age 107, the retired railway clerk lived alone in a three-story farmhouse in Maine, traipsing up and down stairs, shoveling snow off the roof, chopping wood, hunting, fishing, mowing grass, gardening, and beekeeping-- producing his own honey and bee pollen, a lifelong passion.

He was still driving his own car, making him the oldest American ever to hold a driver?s license according to the Guinness Book of Records.

At 113, Hale is in a special class unto himself, considered a ?super- centenarian,? defined as anyone living 110 or longer. There is one super- centenarian per million in the population, a total of 260 in the U.S. today. ?We don?t yet know what sets these people apart,? says Dr. Perls. ?They have no major illnesses, and even their hearing and vision don?t usually deteriorate until their late 90?s.?

Hale, both of whose parents lived to 91, has, in recent years, beat pneumonia and hip replacement and had cataract surgery. ?No diseases, no nothing,? he exclaims, ?except for some arthritis,? which is cured, he believes, with a teaspoon of bee pollen taken with each meal.

Although a few falls eventually forced him into the Syracuse Home, a retirement community in Syracuse, N.Y., he continued using a walker until age 112, hiking half a mile a day. His mental acuity and lively sense of humor remain undimmed.

How did he survive so long? ?Oh, I don?t know, punishment, I guess!? he jokes.

When reflecting on it, he credits his longevity to a good diet, lots of rest (up at 6 a.m., to bed at 8 p.m.) never smoking, and keeping busy.

?The secret is work,? he declares. ?Don?t sit around. Keep a good attitude. I always loved to work. When I went home, I got five hours sleep, and then went to work in my garden. I can still stoop down and pick up a handkerchief better than most of them!?

* * * * *

Use It Or Lose It

Until Fred Hale was 111, he studied the Reader?s Digest ?Word Power? vocabulary exercise religiously, testing himself on new words weekly. His work ethic and mental curiosity point to another key ingredient in the longevity marathon: exercising the brain.

?It?s definitely use it or lose it,? says Dr. Perls. ?The key to mental vigor is continually learning something new, which builds fresh connections between brain cells.

?For instance, crossword puzzles (verbal functions), bridge (memory functions) and intricate jigsaw puzzles (visual-spatial functions) all keep the mind sharp. Equally beneficial is painting,writing poetry, making sculpture, or learning a new language. We?ve also found that music is a powerful vaccine against dementia and the onset of brain disease. I knew a 102-year-old who was never in her room at the nursing home because she was too busy playing Mozart and Chopin recitals in the music room! Doing any of these things allows you to maintain attention and memory, and the ability to plan, organize, and exercise self-care.

?I think the mind has a lot to do with the way you feel,? says Helen Boardman, until recently a voracious reader who spent a lifetime writing book reviews for libraries and turning biographies into plays. Two years ago, she even completed her memoirs, titled: ?105 and Counting,? before her vision began to fail.

?Staying home and watching TV was never my pleasure at all,? says Helen, who does tune into C-Span for the book reviews. She believes the secret of longevity is: ?Curiosity. I love to see the world and I love people. Everybody has some good in them. If you?re curious about things, you?ll search them out.?

She marvels at the technological miracles spread over the three centuries which her lifetime has spanned, yet she recounts, with equal pleasure, her days in a horse and buggy: ?I drove to high school every day in my buggy. Maudie was a retired beige race horse and I loved her! When we got our first automobile, she was put out to pasture. We accepted the car right away, sure-- but isn?t a horse more fun??

Fun counts in Helen?s world. She even tried white-water rafting at 90: ?The ticket seller said that the only requirement was that you had to be at least eight years old. I told myself: ?If an 8-year-old can do it, I can!? * * * * * ?Good Training? and The Centenarian Personality

Although many may wonder if diet has much to do with the remarkable health of centenarians, ?it?s impossible to know because dietary habits have changed so dramatically over the years,? says Dr. Perls. Most processed foods did not exist during the centenarians? formative years; preserving was done by pickling, smoking, and salting; and fresh fruit was less available. ?Some ate very little red meat, others ate it every day with bacon and eggs!--and both types lived to 100.? Nowadays, however, there?s little doubt, says Perls, that ?good training,? -- exercise and proper diet--contribute mightily to living to 100.

?The secret of living a long life is lifestyle as much as anything,? thinks Helen Boardman. ?I?ve always taken exercise, I don?t go for liquor, and I never smoked.

?I?m not fond of red meat at all,? she continues. ?I prefer vegetables, fruit, chicken and fish. And when I?m not feeling too well, I have oatmeal. Growing up on the family farm, we always had it in the morning, and I still love it!? Chocolate cake? ?Unacceptable but delicious!? she laughs.

Fred Hale, at 113, also eats moderately and drinks no coffee or tea. His diet? ?I eat off my fork just the same as everybody else!? he teases.

?I always eat rolled oats with honey for breakfast,? he explains. ?Lunch is meat and potatoes. And at night, I eat very light--cottage cheese, apple sauce and toast. That?s it.?

Athletic competitor Marguerite eats ?very light, which is easier on the stomach,? principally vegetables and fruits: ?And I don?t use any milk products. I like soy milk instead. It seems to be easier to digest.? No desserts, she says. Such virtue! ?Well, look what the result is!?

Beyond genetics, lifestyle, and mental acuity, there is another profound, yet intangible, factor that influences anyone?s ability to live to 100. Dr. Perls refers to it as the ?centenarian personality?--a stress-reducing mindset that combines positive thinking with a fighting spirit.

?Inevitably, most centenarians are upbeat, funny,and gregarious,? he observes: ?It?s very rare I meet a curmudgeon centenarian! They?re not complainers. In our personality testing, they score very low in 'neuroticism,? the expression of negative emotions like fear, anxiety, guilt, anger, or depression. They?re positive and optimistic in their attitude and bounce back easily from life?s crises because they don?t internalize thoughts or emotions that cause stress.?

?I believe in positive thinking,? booms the athletic Marguerite, a founding and lifelong member of Unity Church in Olympia. ?Mental attitude,? says Marguerite, who meditates daily to take herself into ?a quiet place? is exceedingly important. ?I was always trying throughout my life to be positive, but I didn?t get to the peak until was a matter of growth.?

Her close friend and shotput promoter, John Vlastelia, the president of the Washington State Senior Games, adds this: ?When Marguerite reads in the newspaper that ?Flu season in full bloom,? she always says ?I am not going to get sick,? and literally wills herself to good health.?

?We know,? says Dr. Perls, ?that stress--internalizing depression, anger, worry, fear--is an age accelerator. We?ve found that centenarians are able to shake stress off their backs like a duck shakes off water. Many have experienced great losses and hardships in their lives, yet they?d been able to recover quickly and move on.?

* * * * *

A Realistic View of Death

Perhaps some of these centenarians will reach even the grand old age achieved by Mme. Jeanne Calment, the oldest living person in recorded history, who died in l997, at age 122.

?The chances of living to 122,? says Dr. Perls, ?is 1 in 6 billion. Although I think the human life span could be eventually expanded into the 130?s, for most of us, reaching ages 100-105 is a reasonable number to hope for.?

Centenarians like Helen, Marguerite, and Fred, thriving in the present as they do, think very little about their limited futures.

?Death is something that is coming,? says Marguerite matter-of-factly, priming for competition this July at the shotput: ?I accept it as part of my experience in life, but I don?t think about it at all.?

As for Fred Hale, every time his physical therapist says ?see you tomorrow,? the 113-year-old answers: ?Perhaps! I?m not making long-term plans!?

His attitude toward death? ?What took you so long!? he quips merrily. Then, on a serious note, he adds: ?Can?t do anything about it. Why be afraid??

This attitude is typical, says Dr. Perls: ?I haven?t met any centenarian who feared death. If anything, they?re very thankful for every day they have and they just hope for more.?

As for Helen, ?sometimes,? she smiles, ?I get so sleepy. Anytime I sit down, I just close my eyes. My daughter was talking about death the other day and said she can?t wait to find out what happens. Well, I feel pretty much the same way. I have no fear of death. It?s just another phase when we?re finished with our work. I?m content to stop anytime now.?

But she brightens at the thought of her younger husband, Bill:

?He?s my incentive!? she says merrily. ?My children are all independent...they don?t need me. Bill does. He needs someone to boss him! I look forward to what is yet to come.?

All in all, is being 107 a blessing or burden?

?Both,? she answers calmly. ?It?s a burden because I was a voracious reader until I became nearly blind. So I?ve lost the thing that I enjoyed the most, though I can listen to books on tape. But it?s a blessing because of the things I still can do. Here?s my poem: ?My hearing and vision--neither one are very good; and I sometimes stumble when I walk; but when you ask me any question about my life, I sure am glad I still can talk!?

?So I?m an OPTIMIST,? she declares in parting, ?grateful for everything. Every day. At dinner, every bite is exciting because I never know what I?m going to eat. The cup is always full. I have never been in want. Everything is good. Nothing bad.

?After reading my memoirs,? she smiles, ?my nephew asked me if there was anything bad in my life, and I said: ?If there was, I forgot it!?

* * * * *

Side-Bar RX

In a culture obsessed by youth, ?people have got to realize,? says Dr. Perls, ?that your 70?s and 80?s can be the most fantastic time of your life. I see people go after second or third careers, or volunteer activities, enhance relationships with their families, while their experience and wisdom is at their peaks. Life is their oyster. And it still can be at 100!?

Here are a few health secrets for anyone on the road to 100, a prescription from Dr. Perls, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston School of Medicine, and geriatrician at Boston Medical Center.

Age accelerators to avoid: smoking, sun exposure, excessive alcohol , high- fat diet, ionizing radiation, toxic chemicals, excessive risk-taking, and mental stress. Make fitness, laughter, and relaxing recreation a priority in your life!

Age de-accelerators: Exercise (weight training, aerobics, meditation, yoga); a diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, with a minimum of meats and sweets, processed foods, and animal fat or butter.

Supplements: To prevent arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer?s Parkinson?s, vision problems, cancers, and rheumatoid arthritis, I recommend taking:

*Vitamin E [400-800 IU per day to prevent and delay cognitive deterioration;

*Vitamin B complex (with folate)

*Calcium with Vitamin D (to decrease the risk of osteoporosis)

*Omega Fatty Acids #3 and #6 (derived from flax seed oil or fish oil, availablein capsules, 1,000 mg daily

*Selenium [100-200 mcg per day.

*Baby aspirin (81 mg) each day which reduces the risk of heart attack by 50%.

*Green tea--noted by the Chinese culture for 3000 years as a health booster.

Author's note: Since these interviews were conducted, Fred Hale, documented as the world's oldest man, died at age 113 on November 20, 2004. He was physically active and mentally alert right up until the end says his son, an octegenarian.

Bestselling author GLENN PLASKIN is one of the nation's leading psychology reporters and celebrity interviewers. His specialty today is interviewing the nation's top experts in spirituality, motivation, happiness, and self- improvement. A contributing editor at FAMILY CIRCLE, the world' s largest women's magazine, he is available for TV, radio, and print interviews. He can be contacted directly at: He also coaches those interested in writing articles and books.

He is the author of two books--HOROWITZ--the biography of Vladimir Horowitz--and TURNING POINT: Pivotal Moments in the Lives of America?s Celebrities. His celebrity interviews have appeared in Family Circle, US, Ladies Home Journal,Playboy, the New York Times, the New York Daily News, and more than 50 U.S. newspapers.

My Kingdom For A Skinny Mirror!

I took off for a few days of spring skiing in the Sierras, and after a wobbly first day, I settled into a groove and performed very well.

But back at the cabin, my athlete?s ego took a bit of a bruising.

The mirror, unlike what I have at home, displayed more than a head and shoulders shot.

It was the full Monty, as they say, and I had more than the expected number of slopes slaloming down my front side.

?This can?t be!? I told myself. ?I couldn?t have put on this weight between home and here!?

Calming down with a killer chocolate chip cookie I acquired the day before at an oasis on Interstate 5, I said, clearly, it?s the mirror?s fault. If my mirror at home tells me one story, and this two-bit, broken down, rent-a-mirror says something else, who am I to believe?

Heck, everything about cabin life is a little rough around the edges; I consoled myself. How can you expect any comfort, physical or psychological, from a place that groans more at night than Jacob Marley?s ghost?

Nah, don?t fall for this trick, I said.

I?ll just focus on my skiing and have a good time and then return to the funhouse I call home.

Where I have the good sense to have nothing but skinny mirrors!

Dr. Gary S. Goodman, President of, is a popular keynote speaker, management consultant, and seminar leader and the best-selling author of 12 books, including Reach Out & Sell Someone? and Monitoring, Measuring & Managing Customer Service, and the audio program, ?The Law of Large Numbers: How To Make Success Inevitable,? published by Nightingale-Conant. A Ph.D. from USC's Annenberg School, a Loyola lawyer, and an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School at Claremont Graduate University, Gary offers programs through UCLA Extension and numerous universities, trade associations, and other organizations in the United States and abroad. Headquartered in Glendale, California, he can be reached at (818) 243-7338 or at:

For more information about coaching, consulting, training, books, videos and audios, please go to:

Natural Skin Care Regime for Ethnic Differences in Skin Characteristics

The world is a big place and there are many different cultures, Europeans, Scandinavians, Asians, Africans, Hispanics and many, many more. Each of these cultures tends to have certain characteristics such as eye colour, hair colour, skin colour, etc,. Inherent with cultural backgrounds is a difference in skin types. For example, western cultures such as the central and northern Europeans have a tendency to fair complexions, hair and eye colour, while southern Europeans dent to have darker hair, brown eyes and darker, olive skin tones.

Africans and African Americans, have very dark or almost black skin, usually dark or black hair and brown eyes. Genetically, this skin type is less susceptible to the UV rays, although their skin can still get burned.

Asians on the other hand have a yellowish skin tone and can have brown or blue eyes but have mostly dark or black hair. Yes, genetics does have its opinion on how we look. The cultural differences are reflected in the skin and the genetic factors play an important role in how well our skin looks, how ?tough? it is and how vulnerable it is to certain skin problems.

For example, cultures that have a tendency to body hair, also have a tendency to oily skin and therefore have a potential problem with blocked secretory glands resulting in pimples and other skin problems. On the other hand, the Irish, who have a tendency to red hair and very fair skin, have less of a problem with oily skin, but they do tend to get burned easily and thus stand a greater risk to skin cancers. Similarly the Scandinavians and other central and northern Europeans and Americans.

Below are some generalised characteristics of various skin types from different cultural backgrounds:

Skin Characteristics of people with Anglo-Saxon origins

  • Fair, dry thin-skinned
  • Scars heal well
  • Signs of aging appear earlier
  • Burn easily in the sun
  • Bruising more obvious
  • Increased chance of skin cancer

Skin Characteristics of people with Southern Mediterranean origins

  • Oily, olive dark complexion
  • Signs of aging appear later
  • Cartilage tends to droop
  • Darker, thicker scars more common
  • Wrinkles appear later and in more localized areas
  • Skin cancer is rare

Skin Characteristics of people with Northern European origins / German and Scandinavian

  • Fair, blue-eyed, blonde
  • Thin skin
  • Scars heal well
  • Signs of aging appear early
  • Bruising more obvious
  • Greater chance of skin cancer

Skin Characteristics of people with African/African-American origins

  • Signs of aging appear very late
  • Very little fine wrinkling
  • Formation of keloids is possible
  • Pigmentation changes may occur
  • Thicker cartilage hard to change
  • Skin cancers are very rare

Skin Characteristics of people with Northern European/Irish and northern England

  • Ruddy freckled complexion
  • Red hair
  • Scars usually thin
  • Signs of aging appear later
  • Bruises easily
  • Pigmentation problems
  • Skin cancers are most common in this type

Skin Characteristics of people with Asian origins

  • Signs of aging appear late
  • Fine wrinkling does not usually occur
  • Pigmentation changes may occur
  • Skin cancers are very rare

Skin Characteristics of people with Southern European origins

  • Dark, oily brunette complexion
  • Signs of aging appear later
  • Fine wrinkling less common
  • Bruising lasts longer
  • Scars may be thicker and darker
  • Skin cancers are less common

Identifying the correct, natural skin care system for your skin's characteristics is essential and may need to be adjusted depending on your specific genetic influences, as within each of these groups, there is a wide range in skin tones, which tend to overlap from group to group.

Each of the different categories of skin characteristics has various advantages and disadvantages specific to that group. However, the overall structures and functions of our skin are very similar and are therefore cared for in very similar ways. Knowing your skin?s particular strengths and weaknesses, you can tailor your skin care approach to your particular skin-characteristics.

Danny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and Aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you.

Join our Natural Skin Care Newsletter ? it?s fun, free and Informative and you receive a free eBook on natural skin care.

Wildcrafted Herbal Products 2006

Tips on How to Make the Most of Your Beauty Budget

Do you know that the 'average' woman spends about $600 a year on skin care and color cosmetics, according to the beauty industry? Whether she uses only cleansers and lotions or has an array of beauty products, shopping can be time-consuming and expensive. So, here are some quick tips on how to make the most of your beauty budget.

Part of the 'secret' is to insist on quality for those items that matter ... and the most important items are those that help you care for your skin. Look to see if the product line includes the following steps: cleansing, exfoliating, refining or toning and moisturizing. Then review the ingredients for compatability with your individual skin type and sensitivities. If you're not sure how your skin will react, ask for samples and test them on your forearm.

Quality isn't necessarily costly though you may spend a little more to find a product line that is the most effective for you. Conversely, expensive isn't necessarily the best choice. Very high-priced product lines typically contain rare substances that may or may not work for you. Unless you are already using optimum products for your skin, you should notice a difference within two weeks to a month of starting a new regime. Your skin should appear clearer, smoother and well-moisturized.

After skin care, the right foundation or powder and concealer are important beauty buys. Depending upon the amount of coverage you want, select a foundation, creme to powder foundation, dual coverage powder foundation, pressed or loose powder and concealer that blend as closely as possible with your face. (With foundation, test the shade along your jaw line to compare the color with both your face and neck; watch to see if it ?disappears? into your skin.)

Another part of the 'secret' to making the most of your beauty budget is spending less on color products that change with the seasons such as eye shadows, blushes and lipsticks. Most product lines will offer the lastest hot colors, which tend to be similar, so comparison shop. Another idea is to accumulate a palette of primary eye colors which can be mixed to create your own hot colors.

There's no need to spend too much to look your best!

? Copyright 2005. Charlotte Maddox. All rights reserved.

Charlotte is an experienced independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay Inc.

Register on Charlotte's Mary Kay Inc. web site to receive a monthly email newsletter, Beaut-e-News(tm), with tips & techniques and a seasonal mailing of the The Look catalog with free samples plus the latest in skin care and color looks (complete privacy ensured).

Acne ? Back to Its Roots

Acne, which is widely common throughout teenagers and as far a late twenties, can be started through several ways, and effecting not only the look of us but also the confidence, as well a the bullying and physical damage that can occur through some of the more serious cases.

Acne begins to breed and exist when the human body has accumulated more toxins than organs such as your kidney and bowels are able to remove. Bowels and kidneys both help to remove toxins from the human body as well as all other waste. The toxins can be caused by excessive fat that is unable to be washed out of your system, which may in turn have resulted from your body having trouble digesting fats that could stem from allergies from types of foods, or even hormonal issues. When these toxins build up so your kidney and bowels become over loaded, they then can become clogged up, which is not good for your body, and thus cause your bowels and kidney not to function properly.

Once your kidney and bowels go into the stage of been clogged up and over loaded, they then basically pass on or ?dump? what they are unable to handle onto the liver. The liver plays many parts in the successful and smooth running of the human body, and one of its major parts is to convert this excessive fat into energy that is useable throughout the human body. Since the bowels and kidney have become overloaded, and have dumped the excess fat and toxins into the liver, this causes the liver to work on over time, and then also causes the liver to become over loaded and over worked.

This is acne starts to creep in and acne treatment will then be necessary. Once the bowels, kidneys, and liver are all over worked and clogged, the human body then expels toxins through the lungs and into the skin, which is a second channel of elimination, and therefore your skin will start to see the unfortunate affects of acne.

To conclude, acne is basically a sign of the overloading of your organs, such as bowels, kidneys, and then you?re liver. It shows the liver is growing weaker as it is not performing as it should, and will also continue to grow weaker if the correct actions are not taken to remove as many toxins from the body as possible.

More information on Acne Treatment can be found at the author?s website at

Exercise and Acne

The best advantage exercise can yield is to improve the rate of blood circulation in the body and therefore provide oxygen to the skin cells. The pores are cleaned as you tend to sweat after exercising and this means that no germs will be present in the skin. Even scars and rashes that are formed due to inflammation disappear rapidly. It makes the cardiovascular system work smoothly and even your lungs are pumped with enough oxygen. It helps you fabulously in your routine work.

Concerning, the exercise activity, you should choose an exercise program which you find most interesting. Usually spend time with outdoor activities like swimming, cycling, jogging, rowing etc. Water games will clean off your skin automatically. Do not exercise for long or you might start to feel exhausted. Try out those exercises that will balance your moods such as yoga or a few relaxation exercises.

The value of sports and games in building your personality is really notable. When you exercise, the body releases a hormone called endorphin, which keeps you calmer. Your skin will glow and this in turn will assist you in having great skin, i.e., skin free from acne and other skin diseases. So don?t wait, go out and start jogging now!

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

Dead Sea Minerals Health from the Lowest Point on Earth

A study involving a European occupational therapist suffering from psoriasis who had obtained compensation from her health insurance in order to undergo therapy at the Dead Sea has lead to great interest in health funds in Denmark, Germany and other European Countries. This has resulted in their subsidizing treatment from the Dead Sea for people suffering from both Psoriasis and other skin conditions. If Health Insurance companies can be considering coverage of treatment at the Dead Sea for relief and treatment of skin disorders, then it seems reasonable to advocate usage of products manufactured from the Mud and minerals of the Dead Sea.

Healthy skin and

Assisting to replace or remove electrolytes enables the body to maintain a good fluid balance thereby improving a feeling of relaxation, health and well being. Below is a list of the therapeutic physical and mental well being is dependent on the correct sodium and potassium or fluid balance in the body. This is regulated by the Adrenal gland, which in turn affect healthy function of the kidneys. The kidneys are responsible for controlling 28 chemicals in the body. An imbalance of these chemicals or electrolytes can result in certain skin or other symptoms and over an extended period of time results in various illnesses. benefits of the Dead Sea products together with the conditions or symptoms they alleviate.

The Dead Sea Salts differ from regular sea salt in 2 important ways.

1) They contain 10 times more minerals than sea salt.
2) The Dead

Sea salts absorb essential oils with ease, which enables them to be released into the bath water as they dissolve.

This is beneficial for those wishing to benefit from the Dead Sea in the privacy of their own home. Some of the minerals found in the Dead Sea are listed below together with their functions or benefits to health. This provides some insight as to why these minerals assist in cleansing, de-toxing and restoring a healthy status quo of the body, especially the skin and muscles.

Minerals and Chemicals found in the Dead Sea

Sulfur-is found in the amino acids cysteine, and methionine; as well as in cells, hemoglobin (of the blood), collagen (of the muscles), keratin (required for skin), insulin, heparin, biotin, co-enzyme A, (required for healthy hair, skin, nails, among many other biological structures). Sulfur is necessary for synthesizing collagen. It is required for the adequate digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and a number of vitamins e.g. thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid; It is also essential to enable cells to breathe Sulfur is necessary for the secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins.

Chlorine is necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, together with being vital for cell metabolism

Iodine is necessary for the production of the hormone thyroxin, and is also vital for both energy and cell metabolism is necessary to maintain the water balance in order for cell metabolism to take place, assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance in potassium often leads to water retention.

Potassium also plays a vital role in regulating muscle contractions and the nervous system.

Sodium like potassium plays s a vital role in assisting the cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste.

Calcium is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing the pores. In addition it is vital for production and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, together with regulating the heart muscles and nerves.

Magnesium is necessary in assisting the body to utilize other essential nutiens and in cell metabolism.

Bromine helps with the natural repair of the body together with cell metabolism and can be sued as a natural antibiotic. Saunas often use Dead Sea salts to evaporate the bromides thus creating and environment similar to the Dead Sea. Having a hot bath with Dead Sea salts and allowing the steam to collect in the bathroom will have a similar effect. Other than the benefits listed below for bath salts, steaming and using these salts in the bath can be beneficial for respiratory conditions e.g. asthma.

PELOTHERAPY The main healing property of mud is humic acid, which comes from concentration of organic matter. After the Ice Age the earth experienced a compression of plant and animal life resulting in transformation of various rocks and hence, muds. The parts of the earth, which suffered the most erosion, have higher deposits of humic acid. One of these areas is the Dead Sea, which has the largest concentration of humic acid, chloride salts of magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, bromine and various other minerals. Since the Dead Sea Mud (also known as Pelloid) has a high concentration of minerals together with an ability to hold heat, the mud can be used for certain healing benefits. Smearing the Pelloid onto the body in a process known as Pelotherapy provides cleansing and detoxing of the skin which has proved beneficial for skin, muscle pain and arthritic or rheumatic conditions.


Is an ancient healing form using water, usually with added salts, thereby distinguishing it from hydrotherapy, to condition, relax and revitalize the skin, body and muscles. Its benefits are seen in improving circulation, strengthening the immune system, reducing pain, stress and insomnia.

Yoav Cohen is an author for AHAVA Dead Sea products site.

Celebrate Mother Nature

Mother Nature provides us with so many splendors. She supplies us with life, beauty, nutrients and sustenance to blossom. For instance, trees blooming in spring are phenomenal sights, the sun setting on the horizon will render one speechless, skin that radiates inner peace & happiness is beyond beautiful.

We need to celebrate what is given to us naturally. We are exceptional individuals that are equally unique. That is a gift from the ?Mother?; we should value our blessings and not abuse them. Our Creator provided us everything that we needed to survive on earth. Now, I am sure we have all heard this time and time again and why should this time be any different? Well, if you think about it from a logical position it is the only reply that makes sense. So, today let?s say, ?thank you? and I will do my best to care for what I have been given!

Today, there are so many beauty/body products on the market that contain harsh chemicals that cause deliberate damage to our skin, hair and nails. It is time that ?we? as consumers know what we are spending our hard earned dollars on. But, more importantly, it is imperative that we know what we are being sold (learn how to read ingredient labels). Most consumers don?t realize that their skin is the largest organ and that approx. 60% of what we put on our hair, skin and nails is absorbed into our system. Our skin needs to be cared for like your heart, kidney?s, liver and other vital organs. See, without skin we can?t live! Let your skin thrive and use products that are exceptional for your skin. After all, you deserve it!

Visit and shop today -

Keisha J. Jones is the Founder and Crafter of A Touch of Honey's product line. She has researched natural resourses for 5+ years and has done extensive research on natural body products. She writes various articles for beauty media and a bi-weekly ezine.

Don't Buy AntiAging Skin Products Without This Information

For those consumers looking to invest in anti aging skin products, it is important to bear in mind that no two anti aging skin products are alike. With this fact in mind, it then becomes possible to become a prudent shopper when it comes time to purchase anti aging skin products: when looking for anti aging skin products consumers need to look for specific qualities within the anti aging skin products they are considering for purchase. What kind of ingredients does the anti aging skin products contain? How does the anti aging skin products work? Is the anti aging skin products you want to purchase really worth the money you plan on spending?

You will only want to purchase anti aging skin products that are backed by experts, researchers and other professionals. Don?t invest your money in anti aging skin products that throw a pile of promises at you and then never fulfill a one of them. Instead, levitate toward the anti aging skin products that have their claims supported by experts and professionals. Moreover, go for the anti aging skin products that are actually backed by thorough research and testing. View the tests conducted on the anti aging skin products you are considering and see the affects for yourself.

Another way to find the right anti aging skin products is to talk to others that have used the products you are considering. Ask them how easy the anti aging skin products are to use and whether or not they felt that such products were expensive. If you and a close friend are chatting about anti aging skin products, why not ask if they like the feel of the anti aging skin products they have purchased, the scent and whether or not they were happy with their purchase. Chances are, if they purchased a quality product with hydrating qualities and collagen infusion properties, they were more than happy with the product.

Alternatively, you can read reviews about anti aging skin products and thereby see what other people have to say about the product. Read about how other people rate the use of special anti aging skin products and if they felt their money was well spent. Just remember that no matter what anybody says, the only real way you can know for certain if the anti aging skin products you are thinking about really work is to examine the tests conducted on the products and try the product out yourself.

There are truly amazing anti aging skin products that you can use to help you look and feel young again. Researchers have worked diligently to create anti aging skin products that address a number of aging issues, issues beyond the appearance of wrinkles. Whether you want anti aging skin products to improve the appearance of your skin, or you want anti aging skin products to improve the appearance of your lips, there are anti aging skin products that can help you with beauty needs. Further, if you want anti aging skin products that can help you banish under-eye circles or you want to reduce unsightly cellulite, there are anti aging skin products that can address your beauty dilemmas.

For more information and articles on Anti Aging, Anti Wrinkle, and skin care products check out our website. Collagen and Hydroderm

Reasons for Joining a Gym or Keeping Fit

I was asked by one of my friends a couple of days ago on the reason I personally am into bodybuilding/getting into shape.. Besides the obvious health benefits.. she wanted to know what drives me. Well, read on...

Hmm. I don't think I've ever really put much thought into this before.. but let me attempt to analyze. I decided to first surf around the net to see what motivated the OTHERS to pursue a similar goal, and here are some of the answers I came across:

Some Reasons People Join the Gym: 1. I'm sick of being skinny as a twig.
2. People say I look sick and unhealthy.
3. When I wear a sleeveless or body hugging shirt, I don't look impressive in it.
4. A muscular man attracts chicks like magnets.
5. I wanna look as fit as the Americans. They're more beefier than the locals.
6. Bodybuilding makes a girl like you!
7. It gives me self confidence.
8. I wanna turn women on.
9. I'm tired of being fat and unhealthy.

Some are just amusing.. but if you ask me, I'd say that I could relate to reason #7 the most. I believe that lifting weights to improve your physique portrays to everyone that you possess a desire for Self-improvement, to become greater than you are, that you're disciplined, and are dedicated.

In case you didn't notice by now, most people with strong powerful physiques exude a type of confidence not seen in regular people (dont confuse confidence with arrogance.. some may push it and be arrogant instead.. but thats no good and they deserve to be spanked). They don't need fancy clothes to look good or to show off. Their physique says it all, and at the end of the day, it DEMANDS a 'subconscious' respect because you know when you see a bodybuilder with an amazing physique - you know that he's got what it takes to improve himself to such an extent. You know that he's gone through the struggles. He's got discipline, puts up with the pain, the task of watching his diet, etc.

Now back to me.. I think somewhere along the road, just for a short period of time, I did sorta do it to impress the opposite sex (come on.. get real - who hasnt?). But very shortly after that, I began to realise that it wasn't working (ha ha) - or perhaps I was meeting the wrong kinda women? Anyway... I realised that there was definitely more to being fit and looking good than attracting others - it was personal satisfaction. Now that's something you can't buy from your pharmacy or supplement store.

Honestly - I got involved into this 'world' not because I wanted to... In fact.. I dreaded stepping foot into the gym for the very first time. It was my mom who persuaded me to join the gym.. (guess she didnt have the heart to say to me - Son, you're FAT!). It was hot, the air was dry (it wasnt air conditioned), the treadmill (yes, there was only ONE) and the three bikes were rusty..the carpet smelled like something died underneath.. it was all wrong. How could I ever grow to like such a lifestyle? Boy was I wrong.

So I guess.. to summarise - I got into this without realising what was in store for me. But once I tasted it.. I just couldnt get enough. I always tell people to never give up for at least 3 months. If you do everything right, and persevere for JUST 3 MONTHS - I promise you will see results. If you don't, THEN you can walk away, and tell the whole world it didnt work (which I still believe will be because you did something wrong).

I guess I'm lucky to be where I am today, and I'm glad that today, I'm doing it for the right reasons. I guess at the end of the day, it also boils down to what motivates you. If it's the opposite sex you're after.. and that drives you, then by all means, go ahead. Its the results that counts. Always do whatever it takes to get you there (I'm not talking about performance enhancing drugs though, cos that's cheating yourself and robbing you of your health).

Josh Stone, also known as DM, is the author behind the site which offers the author's personal views on real-life fitness, bodybuilding, sports nutrition, cardio, fat loss, training information, and on all things that surrounds fitness.

How to Eliminate Dry Skin Naturally

Everyone wants smooth, glowing beautiful skin! How many of us can say that we actually posses it? We purchase countless products, undergo expensive treatments and still suffer with dry, flaky or ?ashy? skin. In order to see a long lasting change, you must examine your lifestyle. Take time to consider what impact your diet, sleeping habits, activity and skin care routine have on your skin.

1. Be sure to include fresh fruit, nutritious vegetables, whole grains and clean water in your daily diet. Your skin is a living organ. Give it what is needed to stay healthy.

2. Start the day with invigorating stretches. Learn basic yoga and practice it for 10-30 minutes each morning.

3. Cleanse your skin with cold-processed soaps. They contain plant oils that nourish the skin cells. Avoid products with Sodium Laurel Sulfate or other harsh detergents.

4. Exfoliate skin weekly to remove dead skin cells and toxins. Use a scrub with plant-based ingredients to restore moisture and elasticity.

5. After the bath or shower, moisturize the entire body with a mineral oil-free product. Be sure to read labels. Even some ?natural products? contain mineral oil. It is a cheap by product of petroleum and does not contribute the health of your skin.

6. Monitor the water temperature when bathing, extremely hot temperatures can be drying as well. 7. Use proper sun protection and limit your exposure to direct sunlight.

8. Retire by 10:00 pm each evening. This allows your body time to heal itself and restore all organ systems. In turn, promoting good skin health.

By following this holistic approach you should experience a significant difference in the health of your skin.

Chanelle Washington, BSN is a Certified Holistic Practioner. She is an honors graduate of Temple University and member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nurses. Ms. Washington is an informative speaker, inspiring author and owner of Indigofera ? Plant Based Body Care Collection?. Contact her at

Natural Skin Care For Cracked Skin

When you suffer eczema or psoriasis, your skin cracks, thus presenting you with painful slits or fissures. They cause agony even while doing simple movements. Your skin cracks and can give you a terrible pain. Hands and feet are the most vulnerable spots for this problem. But other spots like mouth, lips, cheeks etc. too can be affected. Usually the areas between toes and on the heels are affected. These fissures, if neglected can cause infection. Generally, women who wear open-backed heels and slides are affected.

Treatment for the cracked skin:
?Soak yourself: the best treatment for the dry skin is to have a good bath every night before going to sleep. This enables your skin cells to absorb water, since these cells are like sponge. You can also soak the affected body part for about 20 minutes in the warm water and then pat dry.
?Apply petroleum products: once you are through with your bath, apply a coating of petroleum jelly product. Then put on a pair of socks for your feet or a pair of light cotton gloves for hands to seal the moisture. These petroleum products work far better than the commercial moisturizers, since they do not have the same sealing effects.
?Stick the cracks: you can apply a glue to ease the pain caused by the fissures. This takes the air out of the nerve endings and thus sticks the slits. This procedure is completely safe for slits and minor cuts. However, avoid using this method on the deep wounds.
?Avoid tartar toothpaste: if you suffer from cracked lips, minimize your usage of tartar toothpaste. This toothpaste contains compounds that irritate the mucuous membranes and other sensitive tissues. These toothpastes leave the skin cracked and cause a rash which itches around the mouth.

Following some of the above mentioned steps can help you in preventing/curing cracked skin.

Kevin Pederson manages sites related to hair and skin care.Find information on hair care tips, skin care tips, guide to various skin types and much more.

Always Wear Sunscreen

Always wear sunscreen. How many time have you heard it? The American Academy of Dermatology reaffirms its long-standing position that sunscreen protection is beneficial in preventing painful sunburn, photo aging and skin cancer.

Always wear sunscreen regularly as part of an overall sun protection program. Whenever possible wear a hat, sun protective clothing and avoid peak sun hours. For added protection against dry skin problems look for moisturizers with sunscreen in them.

To be most effective, sun protection should begin in childhood and continue throughout your life. Use sunscreen protection as part of a daily routine.

Here are some helpful tips when going outside in the sun:

. Try to stay out of the sun between 10am and 4pm when the sun is at its hottest.

. Apply sunscreen protection with at least 15 SPF and reapply every two hours when outside, even on overcast days.

. Wear sunglasses and a hat to protect your eyes and head.

. Stay in the shade as much as you can.

. Be aware of places that reflect the sun back on you, like pool water.

. Wear loose fitting clothes that allow your skin to breathe but protect you from the damaging rays of the sun.

. Be especially careful with children, apply sunscreen protection often and limit their sun exposure.

Commit yourself to a lifetime of healthy skin by developing good habits in skincare and teach your children about the importance of taking care of their skin.

The overall effects of the sun can damage your skin but remembering to always wear sunscreen is one of your best defenses in preventing it from happening to you.

Copyright ? 2005 4 Best All Rights Reserved.

This article as well as other informative articles and valuable tips similar to this featured on

Psoriasis and Acne Natural Treatment

Dead Sea Minerals Products- Natural Psoriasis Treatment

The Dead Sea serves as a health and rehabilitation beauty spa. It holds many Beauty centers, Spa and Mineral pools that patients can rest in and cure their skin problems and achieve a mental relaxation.

Patients who suffer from: Psoriasis/Psoriasis-Arthritis/ Atopic Dermatitis/Vitiligo/ Arthritis/Asthma, have been using Dead Sea products to help relief their symptoms. The Dead Sea cosmetics and mineral products have proven to be greatly effective with reliefing symptomsof all Psoriasis, Eczema and other skin diseases.

Psoriasis patients around the world visit the Dead Sea very often and buy products for they found it the best natural treatment for their skin disease.

Unfortunately, Psoriasis, a chronic disease, cannot be cured and disappear forever.

Patients who suffer from Psoriasis must know that the Psoriasis treatment that is available today can only improve the diseases symptoms but cannot solve the problem forever.

This is why it is so important to maintain a healthy life style and know how to treat your skin so that the disease will stay under control and that the symptoms will be very delicate, almost in a degree to be ignored.

Psoriasis patients should use special cleaning and cosmetic skin care products that do not irritate their skin and cause them irritations of the skin.

Dead Sea Minerals are very popular among Psoriasis patients since they were proven very efficient in lowering the symptoms of the Psoriasis disease.

Obey Your Body's products are very good for people with sensitive skin and those who suffer from skin problems, such as Psoriasis patients.

Obey Your Body's Psoriasis Creams are very popular among Psoriasis patients, as the sooth the skin and make the symptoms almost totally disappear.

Obey Your Body Dead Sea Products

Unusual Barriers to Clear Skin

Sure, we have all heard the typical advice for those seeking clear skin: wash regularly, keep your hands off your face, don?t pick at your zits, etc. However, there are a number of causes and contributors to acne that are not quite so well known. If you have sensitive skin that is prone to acne, it helps to be aware of some of these factors that often go unnoticed.

Besides creams and cleansers, what other products often come in contact with your skin? If you use makeup, taking care to apply it lightly and using only non-comedogenic products (products that will not clog your pores) should be a natural first step. For men that use aftershave, similar care should be taken not to use aftershaves that contain alcohol or other ingredients that could dry out your skin.

What are less commonly considered are those products that indirectly affect your skin, such as hair gels. Hair styling products are usually full of ingredients that can have negative effects on your skin. If you use these products on a regular basis, make sure to minimize their contact with the skin on your face. Try not to work these products in directly against the skin of your scalp, and always wash clean the skin along your hairline after applying a hair styling product. These products can also run down into the skin of your face and forehead when you sweat, so if you plan on exercising try to apply hair products lightly and wash the effected area afterward.

Speaking of sweat, the buildup of sweat against your skin, particularly when your pores cannot breathe due to sweaty clothing, can lead to acne. When trapped against the skin, sweat provides a perfect situation for bacteria to grow. Always change out of sweaty clothing quickly after you?re done exercising, especially if the clothing is tight.

Sweat and a lack of letting your pores breathe can affect you even without vigorous exercise. Do you spend a large part of the day sitting in front of a computer? If so, you may be inviting back acne if your back is always pressed against a chair. The heat and moisture that build up will lead to bacteria.

What about your diet? Many people notice that certain oily or sugary foods lead to a breakout the next day. This is because your metabolism is busy breaking down those foods instead of your excess skin oil. Minimizing junk food is always good advice, but what many don?t consider is another type of food that can have similar results for your skin.

Processed grains, such as found in processed breads and cereals, are easily broken down in the body and can lead to elevated insulin levels, which have been linked with acne. If you want to maintain a clear skin diet, many dermatologists recommend limiting your intake of processed grains. Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables, as these are rich in nutrients essential to healthy skin. A low-carb Atkins-like diet may be just the ticket for acne sufferers.

Another factor for your diet is to simply drink more water. Water helps flush out the toxins in your cells that can lead to acne, and keeps your skin cells full and supple. It is recommended that adults drink about eight glasses of water every day.

Since your skin can be affected by so many things, maintaining clear skin means taking a complete look at your lifestyle. Make sure you?re treating your skin right inside and out.

Don Amodeo is the webmaster of, where you can find vitamin B5 clear skin products and a free guide to acne vitamins. You can also visit the clear skin blog which features helpful advice for acne sufferers. This article may be republished provided that the author's information and all active links are left intact.

Tips for Transitioning Your Skin Care and Looks from Summer to Fall

Fall's the time to repair the price paid for ?fun in the sun? and prepare for cooler, dryer air. Then experiment with the season's new looks!

As healthy as being outdoors can feel, the ultraviolet rays of the sun can damage skin cells through sunscreens and sun blocks.** Chlorine and other chemicals in hot tubs and pools, salt water at the beach, and super-conditioned air can leach away nutrients and cause dryness. What to do? Have some fun ... create a ?spa? environment in your bath area and follow these simple steps.

Step one in reversing the effects of summer is to remove the dead surface skin cells that have built up. For your face, select a mask or microdermabrasion product that?s appropriate for your skin type (dry, normal, combination, oily, blemish-prone). Also pick an exfoliator made specifically for the lips. For your body, choose a scrub or buffing cream. If you have sensitive skin, avoid scents and perfumes since they can be irritants. Then follow the product directions for application and use, massaging gently.

Step two is to moisturize the newer, younger skin you've revealed. Liberally apply a facial moisturizer (paying special attention to the neck and d?collet?), eye cream, lip balm, and body lotion (or cream), allowing time for the products to be absorbed into your skin. You want to replace the moisture that?s been stripped away during cleansing, restore what?s been lost during the summer and start to protect against cold weather and dry indoor heat.

Now, after each cleansing, apply moisturizers and, if necessary, increase the intensity of the products. At night, use a specially formulated product for your face that works while you sleep. For problem areas such as elbows, knees, hands and feet, put on extra lotion or cream (wear mitts and footies to bed, as needed). During the day, continue to wear sunscreen or sun block to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.

As sun exposure or a tan fades, adjust your foundation and/or powder to a lighter shade. Test the shade along your jaw line to blend with both your face and neck; watch to see if it ?disappears? into your skin.

The lighter, sun-kissed colors of summer typically transition to darker, earthier colors in fall. If you?re trying to adapt the season's shades or find the hues that work best for you, try these tricks.

For eyes, eye shadows with a base or elements of color opposite that of your eyes (on the color wheel) will make your eyes stand out the most. Consider a wide spectrum of the colors that are in style. If teal?s fashionable, experiment with different tints of blues and greens and blue-greens. Mix colors or tone them down with neutrals until you find the ones that complement your face and wardrobe.

For cheeks and lips, the most flattering colors are usually the ones that pick up the natural warm tones in your face.

Once you're ready, enjoy the season!

**For skin abnormalities, please consult a board-certified dermatologist.

? Copyright 2005. Charlotte Maddox. All rights reserved.

Charlotte is an experienced independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay Inc.

Register on Charlotte's Mary Kay Inc. web site to receive a monthly email newsletter, Beaut-e-News(tm), with tips & techniques and a seasonal mailing of the The Look catalog with free samples plus the latest in skin care and color looks (complete privacy ensured).

The 4 Step Check For Skin Cancer Detection

Moles can turn into cancerous melanomas so it's important you check your moles regularly and talk to your doctor if there is any sign of danger.

Follow this 4 step, A-B-C-D, guide when checking your moles and if any of the points are true, be sure to take appropriate action.

Asymmetry: If one half of the mole does not match the other half. A mole or birthmark that has skin growth which increases in size should be examined by a doctor.

Border: If the edge of the mole is ragged, notched or blurred. Moles with skin cancer may have uneven borders.

Color: If the mole is a mix of brown, black and tan rather than an even color you should ensure it is looked at by a doctor. A mole that appears red or blue should also be cause for concern.

Diameter: If the mole is larger than a pencil eraser (6 mm). An important sign of melanoma is a change in size.

Check your body thoroughly at least every three months and if you have quite a few moles be sure to keep an eye on any changes. If any of your moles stand out from the others or if a mole starts bleeding for no apparent reason you should always consult your doctor.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to protect yourself from skin cancer, or to catch it early enough so that it can be treated effectively, so make sure you check yourself thoroughly and often.

For further advice on health care and support, visit

This article was submitted by Jack Prime, a contributer to the website.

Clean Your Face With Ultra Botanicals Facial Cleanser

Women are chasing down ultra botanicals facial cleanser in droves. Women are pretty darn savvy when it comes to their skin and cosmetics, so they immediately recognized ultra botanicals as the healthiest facial cleanser on the market, with the papaya facial cleanser being their all time favorite.

A facial cleanser cleans the top layer of skin removing makeup, pore debris, and air pollutants that have attached themselves to the skin. It also removes dead skin cells and oil, leaving the skin with a healthy glow.

A well balanced, gentle cleanser that maintains the skins natural PH, is very important to women. Women insist on skin cleansers that not only clean their skin, but make their skin look healthier and younger. That?s why the botanical facial cleansers have gained so much popularity. They are mild, they do not destroy the skins natural PH, and they replace important nutrients to the skin. After only a few weeks of use woman are seeing their skin look younger.

Just as their name indicates, these facial cleansers are made from natural products, rich in antioxidants including Vitamin C, and complete with anti aging properties. You will find ingredients such as aloe, coconut, jojoba, papaya, chamomile, orange blossom, yarrow, and even horsetail. No that?s not the tail of a horse, but a very powerful antioxidant herb.

Because these botanical cleansers are so gentle, they can be used daily, both morning and night. Evening cleaning is especially important as your face has had an entire day of abuse. Your make up needs to be removed, you need to unclog your pores, and you need to remove the pollutants that you?ve been exposed to during your daily travels. To complete your facial cleansing you should add a botanical astringent which you should use after using your facial cleanser. You should also add a botanical scrub for exfoliating which you can use two or three times a week.

Botanical scrubs include ingredients such as apricot husks, while the astringents often include ingredients such as tea tree oil or green tea. These natural scrubs will gently remove dead skin and expose the fresh new layer of skin just waiting to reach the surface. The will help keep you skin both free of acne and bacteria which can cause acne.

So how do women really feel about botanical cleansers and related products. Aren?t they like any other cleanser that?s been on the market. A whole lot of hoopla, with basically the same results.

Women will emphatically tell you ?no? botanical cleansers are different! They are gentler and more natural, and within two weeks you will not only feel the difference in your skin, you?ll see a new healthy glow.

And here?s the good news guys. There are full lines of botanical facial products available for men too. Those that have tried them are of the same opinion as the women. Now isn?t that a first?

So treat yourself and your skin the way you deserve to be treated. Wrap yourself in mother nature!

M.D. Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at The Acne Cure

How To Apply Your Makeup

How To Apply Your Makeup

STEP 1: FOUNDATION: After Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing your face apply a small amount of foundation to the tip of your index finger, dot on forehead, nose, cheeks and chin then blend in an upward and outward motion without leaving a line. Be sure to apply foundation over your eyelids and blend without leaving a line. Glance in the mirror to ensure there's no line. You can use a concealer to cover imperfections such as blemishes and dark spots. You can use our NATU-CLEAR to remove dark spots, even skin tone and skin discoloration.

STEP 2: TRANSLUCENT POWDER: Using a Powder Brush apply Translucent Powder in a downward motion for a smooth finish. Translucent Powder helps eye makeup and blush to go on smoother and blend better. It also keeps your face looking fresh and your Makeup will last longer.

STEP 3 EYE MAKEUP: Starting at your lash line, apply your Base Color first, then apply your crease color in the crease area. Apply your Highlight Color in the highlight color area, below the brow bone. Finally, blend the colors with a cotton ball or your fingertip to remove any obvious line. If the colors are too bright tone them down with a little Translucent Powder then apply your Mascara, and dust your entire face downward with Translucent Powder.

STEP 4 BLUSH: Your Blush should go on the apples of your cheeks to radiate when you smile. It should go no closer to your nose, but directly beneath the iris of your eye; below nostril-level and into your temple hairline. A good Blush Brush that's tapered for precise placement, is a must.

STEP 5 LIPSTICKS: Define the outline of your lips with a professional lip brush or lip liner pencil that closely matches the color of your lipstick. Then apply your lipstick and blend the liner with a lip brush. Start from the center working outwards.

For more HOW TO Makeup and Skin Care Tips and advice visit

Julia Anderson, Beauty Consultant and Makeup Artist
Free Newsletter

AntiAging Natural Skin Care Treatment Advice and Recommendation!

As you get older, your body's energy needs drop and demands for nutrients increase. While aging is inevitable, many of the degenerative changes that prevail past middle age can be easily prevented. Recent medical research confirms that good nutrition can prevent, or slow, conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Proper nutrition is an important part of any 'aging well' strategy.

Our Recommendations

Although nutrition is important, healthy eating isn't just about taking the right nutrients. Remember:

. If you dislike eating alone, organize regular potlucks meals with friends and neighbors.

. Select foods that supply contrasts in color, texture and flavor. Avoid adding salt to improve flavor; instead, use herbs and spices.

. It helps to gather a good mix of ages around you- it will make the transition to old age more varied and enjoyable.

. Maintain old friendships and make new contracts. Go for walk to the nearby park.

. Eat at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables such as carrots, peppers, melons and berries. These contain compounds that protect against aging ailments like heart diseases and cancer.

Must Read: How do i prevent Wrinkles? Anti-Wrinkle Tips and Strategies at

. Opt for foods not supplements. Beta carotene-rich foods are one of the top sources of key nutrients promising anti-aging.

. Cook vegetables in as little liquid and for as short a time as possible.

. Make sure to drink six to eight glasses of water, juice or other non-alcoholic fluids everyday to avoid constipation, kidney problems and increased risk of dehydration.

. Exercise regularly in the form of walks or yoga to preserve muscle strength, improve appetite and mood.

. If you have trouble chewing opt for pureed vegetables, soups and other nutritious foods rather than bland liquid diet, which can lead to constipation

. Include Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet, which you can get from flax seeds, canola oils and fish.

Do not change your diet drastically. Gradually include the nutrients and requirements for old age. People over 85 are one of the fastest growing segments of the population, proving that you can live longer and healthier if you practice good food habits.

Must Visit: Check out the changing needs of an aging skin and the importance of different nutrients at

About the Author:

Ashley Green

For your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on Skin Care and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at Anti-Aging Natural Skin Care Tips and Products

If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

Simple and Effective Ways to Control Acne

Acne control include unclogging the pores of the skin, destroying bacteria and reducing excessive oil, or, in other words, Prevention.

As the saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

With this in mind, what then are the best ways to prevent and control acne?

First of all remember the basics of healthy living- nourish your body with good food, consume 6-8 glasses of water per day and try to get enough shut eye (8-9 hours is highly recommended).

A method of controlling acne that is not widely known is to take fish oil supplements on a regular basis.

Fish oils contain EPA and DHA fatty acids as well as omega-3 and omega-6 oils.

These essential elements create prostaglandins in the human body.

Prostaglandins are chemical hormones and they serve to maintain optimum functioning in all of the body's organs and cells.

They keep androgen hormones, which cause the production of excessive oil, in check.

Using mild soap-free cleansers such as Cetaphil, Dove, Purpose or Neutrogena helps keep the skin clear of dirt and surface impurities.

Exfoliating creams and masques are also good for acne control as they work to gently peel away dead skin cells. But make sure you don't choose one that is overly abrasive.

Using an astringent or toner to rid your face of excessive oil is an effective way to control acne as is using topical solutions containing benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.

Some acne sufferers find products with benzoyl peroxide to be harsh or excessively drying to their skin.

Stress is a contributing factor in acne growth so try to keep it to a minimum.

Too much stress becomes a vicious circle in that pressure triggers the production of more oil which ultimately causes more skin problems and the acne that results tends to stress out the sufferer even more.

Who else has been search for more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments, visit

Using Water to Get Glowing Vibrant Skin

I?ve mentioned your skin?s need for water before, but it?s such an important topic that it deserves a section all its own.

We sometimes forget our skin -- until something goes wrong! Your skin is the largest organ of your body. The skin protects us from infections, guards us against harmful effects of the sun?s rays, and helps to regulate our body temperature.

But what most of us think about with the skin is how it looks. All of us have seen those with unhealthy skin or complexions. Their skin has a sallow look, pasty, or drawn. It?s not a pretty sight.

And, of course, what the skin needs is moisture. When the body is inadequately hydrated, there?s not enough moisture in the skin tissues, and that can contribute to the drawn and haggard look so many have.

The skin also needs hydration to clean the body of toxins. Your body is constantly in contact with things that are not good for us. Those things can come from the food we eat, the air we breathe, and things we come into contact with by touching. (And in some places in the world -- thankfully not usually in North America! -- even water itself can bring in those toxins).

The simplest way the body gets rid of toxins is through washing. Washing your hands is probably the very best thing you can do to prevent infections, whether your own or someone else?s. Bathing or showering (and shampooing) also get rid of toxic materials our bodies don?t need.

But the cleaning works internally, too. Water courses through your body, a never-ending stream flushing out harmful substances. And if there?s not enough of that water, your body itself can become polluted, something like a river in a time of drought, when there?s just not enough water to clean out all the junk.

Your body can operate like that, too. Because there?s not enough fluid to clean out the toxins, they accumulate in the body?s tissues. The whole body can start to act sluggish, but the place where we see it first is in our skin. And while we are quick to put on lotions and skin treatments, the primary and most important ?skin treatment? you can use comes in a glass -- and it?s available from the tap!

Again, the most important means of taking care of your skin is our regular, 20 glasses a day water plan. Keep drinking on a regular basis. You will find that it becomes a wonderful habit very quickly, and you come to miss it if you?re separated from a water source for very long.

Prevention is of first importance, but if you find you?ve been exposed to something toxic (such as secondhand smoke), first wipe your face with cool (not cold) tap water, and then drink a couple of glasses of water right away. You want to give your body a chance to get rid of the toxins right away, and there?s no better way than water.

You may also notice times when your skin looks drawn or haggard, even when you?re drinking enough (or at least think you are!) In most of these cases, what has happened is that you have become busy or pre-occupied, and haven?t been drinking enough. Whatever the reason, start pumping the water right away. You will even find that water will help you to look better if you?ve temporarily not had enough sleep. If you have to miss a few hour?s sleep (or even a whole night) really load up on the water. It will make you feel better and look better until you can catch up on sleep.

Jim Huffman, RN specializes in natural and alternative healing therapies. His first book is 'Dare to Be Free: How to Get Control of Your Time, Your Life, and Your Nursing Career,' and is aimed at helping other nurses find satisfying, dynamic careers. His website is and his health blog is at

Work and AsbestosRelated Diseases Part One

Symptoms of lung cancer, asbestosis or other asbestos - related diseases may include chronic cough and hoarseness, wheezing, chest pain, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, dysphonia, coughing up blood and shortness of breath.

If you think that you may have an asbestos - related disease because you worked exposed to asbestos many years and you show any of the symptoms above mentioned, you should visit a specialist doctor to be explored by him and decide whether you need more exams or not.

The doctor may send you for a chest x-ray or chest computed tomography (CT) scan, to determine the existence of lung scars, and pulmonary function test (PFT), to measure the power of your breathing.

Workers with asbestos benign diseases should visit their doctors regularly, because they have higher risks of getting ill of more serious cancer pathology. Therefore, these patients may be send to specialists like a lung expert or an occupational health doctor. (note: other specialists could be helpful too).

Overall, these workers can keep working, but if they do not feel sick, as research states that these patients will avoid more harm to their lungs if the amount of asbestos dust is kept low.

But if the doctor thinks that is better to have no more contact with asbestos or if you have another illness or disability, you may not be able to keep working.

Is so difficult to say you do not must to work on asbestos related jobs, because you need to work if you want to pay the bills, but in this case your decision could have many risks. On the other hand, there is many alternatives for asbestos compensations, so you need to find an specialist lawyer in this subject, this could be very useful if you decided not to be asbestos worker any more.

This article was written by staff of Disorder Skin .com, visit for skin disorder information, or you could see their last article: skin disorder deramaxx treatment at: Thanks for use this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.

Natural Skin Care with Essential Oils Part 2

Looking good starts with great skin, and essential oils form part of the natural and holistic approach to skin care, leaving you looking and feeling beautiful.

Part 1 of this article highlighted that nutrition is central to healthy skin, outlined which oils are suitable to the variety of skin types, and how best to apply them for general skin care. This article focuses on how to manage specific skin care problems with essential oils.

Several essential oils are known for their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, as well as their ability to regenerate the skin to a healthy state. These include geranium, bergamot, lavender and lemon.

Occassionally a few dry spots may appear on your skin. Firstly, ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. Secondly, make up a mixture of 1 drop each of lavender, lemon and neroli in 5 mL of base oil (eg. jojoba), and apply to the affected area with a cotton tip.

Cold Sores
Tea tree oil (undiluted) may be useful in treating the spread of this herpes virus due to its strong anti-viral properties.

Broken Veins
These broken capillaries are caused by a number of factors such as alcohol, caffeine, hot and cold elements, insufficient water intake, and inherently delicate or fragile skin. Ensure your skin never dries out and apply treatments which include parseley, chamomile, cypress, geranium or rosemary oils diluted in a heavy base oil.

Angela Page writes about Natural Skin & Beauty Care. For further information and products visit You may reproduce this article only in its entirety, together with the link to the author?s website, from which this article is sourced.

Foot Discomfort: Using Water to Bring New Life to Your Feet

Water to Help Your Feet Feel Better

We all have those days when our feet are aching. It may be that we?ve been walking all day. Or it might be that your shoes are too tight. Or it?s been hot, and you?ve been in the heat.

But whatever the reason, sometimes your feet need a rest. And water can help bring new life into your tired feet.

Our feet need some breathing space. Literally. Many people wear shoes all of the time, and some of them even wear something on their feet when they?re sleeping. As much as possible, give your feet time without shoes. Or socks. Or anything, for that matter.

I?m not suggesting that you walk outdoors with bare feet. But when you get home, and know you?re finished for the day, get rid of your shoes and socks, and let your feet rest. You will be astonished at the feeling of almost instant relief you will feel.

But to give your feet an added boost, use the healing power of water. Fill a pan (one big enough to hold both of your feet) with water. This time, the water should be slightly warmer than lukewarm, but not hot. If you have a thermometer, 120 degrees would be good. But you don?t really need a thermometer. Instead, use the test millions of mother (and some fathers, too) have used to test a baby?s food: feel it against your wrist. The skin on your wrist is sensitive, and will give you a good indication of whether the water will be uncomfortable on your feet.

In the water, dissolve a handful of plain baking soda. Now, get a towel (to wrap your feet in when you?re done) and a good book (or the TV remote control!) and you?re all set. Soak your feet for 20 or 30 minutes.

The results are amazing. In the first place, the soak will relieve tension and stress from the abuse your feet have endured all day. But the soak will also make the skin smooth and silky. It will also help to make your nails look better, and it will soften the skin around your nails. And if you do this for several days in a row, your feet will not only feel better, they will look better: all without expensive or inconvenient chemicals or treatments. And your whole body will feel better in the process.

Jim Huffman, RN specializes in natural and alternative healing therapies. His first book is 'Dare to Be Free: How to Get Control of Your Time, Your Life, and Your Nursing Career,' and is aimed at helping other nurses find satisfying, dynamic careers. His website is and his health blog is at

Fruits for Summer: Summer Skin Care

Summer is the time when we sweat highly and beating the heat is always high on our agenda. So, we move on to aerated drinks or other beverages. But what we tend to ignore is that we can fight the heat in a much healthier way. That is, through FRUITS. Fruits not only provide us with the required fluids but also the electrolytes which we lose while sweating.

Excess of dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, loss of concentration and muscle cramping. So to counter that, Summer provides us with a larger variety of fruits so that we can make up the lost fluids and electrolytes. Here is the list of some highly beneficial fruits specially in summers.

1) Watermelon: Watermelon is the best cooler for the body specially in summers as it is high in water. It is rich in Calcium too. The word watermelon itslef brings water in our mouth.

2) Apples: Apples are one of the best source for fibre. Besides that, skin of the apple has antioxidant flavonoids which reduces free radical damage.

3) Muskmelon: Muskmelon with its unique property of rehydrating of body is considered one of the best fruits for summers. Besides being rich in water, it also provides body with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Sodium and Potassium.

4) Berry family is always high on the list of fruits for summer. This family is again high in fibre and vitamin C. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries come under the wide roof of berry family. They are also good for diabetics too. Also, they aid in Weight Loss.

5) Mangoes: No one can resist Mangoes in summer. They would be undoubtly the king of summer fruits. They are rich in fibre, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

6) Banana: Last but not the least: Banana helps keep your system cool. Prefer taking bananas in breakfast.

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Jasdeep Singh

For your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

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Sunburn How To Protect From Sunburn?

Those with white skin have a real danger from sunburns. Repeated sunburns may not only cause cancer but can also lead to death. Those with dark skinned get tanned. But one who has very fair skin will not get tanned but get burnt. Let us find out more about sunburns and how to protect by adopting simple measures.

Effects of Sunburn -

Sunburn causes redness and swelling. The burn effects do not show immediately but take two to six hours after the sunburn and peak within twenty-four hours. The effects of sunburn result in redness, swelling, pain, blisters and the skin may feel hot to touch. In severe cases the affected person develops fever. Some people get so sun burnt that they suffer from second-degree burns and may go into shock and even death. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance is another result. Regular application of sunscreens can save you from so much trouble. Learn more about sunscreens here.

Sunburn treatment -

It is easier to prevent sunburn than to treat them. If you get sun burnt, your doctor may ask you to apply steroid creams at regular intervals and may give aspirin tablets. Aloe Vera lotion also provides relief in sunburns.

Sunburn Protection -

Protect yourself from sunburns by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 15, wear a wide brimmed hat, wear sunglasses, avoid moving out in the afternoons- 10 to 4 in the day. Cover yourself with protective clothing and take extra care when you are on heights, near the beach or sand.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself young and healthy at all the ages find out more about sun damage and how to protect yourself easily.

Belief In Common Skin Care Myths Can Have Disastrous Effects

There are a host of skin care myths we?ve all been exposed to at some time in our lives. Here are a few of the most common:

Myth: There is no ideal time to apply moisturizer to prevent dry skin.

False: The optimum time to apply a moisturizer, such as a good shielding lotion is right after bathing while your skin is still moist. This will make bathing a moisturizing experience, rather than a skin-drying experience. When your skin completely dries after washing, some of your skin's natural moisture is lost through evaporation. Apply lotion or cream throughout the day as needed.

Myth: Drinking plenty of water makes your skin moist and supple.

False: Though drinking water is essential to good skin care and to keeping your body hydrated, alone a generous water intake doesn't make your skin look moist and supple, nor does it improve wrinkles or make your skin look younger. The amount of moisture in your dry skin is more likely determined by external factors, such as:

1 The amount of humidity in the air
2 How much time you spend in the sun
3 How often you wash your skin
4 The types of soaps, detergents and external irritants to which you are exposed

Myth: The best way to clear up acne is to wash your skin as often as you can.

False: Frequent washing irritates the skin and can actually make acne worse. So can scrubbing your skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals. Instead, wash problem areas daily with a gentle cleanser and use oil-free, water-based skin care products. An over-the-counter acne cream or gel also helps dry excess oil. Look for products containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.

Myth: Skin conditions can be cleared up quickly

False: Some skin conditions such as bacterial infections start improving as soon as you use the right medications. However, many skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and seborrhea are chronic, meaning they get better slowly with treatment and reoccur when the treatment stops.

Myth: The fragrance added to skin care products is a nice effect and won?t harm my skin.

False: Of the ingredients used to make skin care products, fragrance is the most likely to cause allergic contact dermatitis ? a skin reaction that produces a red rash, bumps and sometimes blisters. If you have sensitive skin or experience an allergic reaction to your skin products, choose those without added fragrances. Select products marked fragrance-free or without perfume, which means that nothing has been added to make them smell good. Products labeled unscented contain a fragrance to mask the smell of other ingredients or chemicals.

Myth: Stress has no effect on skin conditions, such as hives, psoriasis and eczema.

False: Stress worsens many skin conditions, including psoriasis, eczema, hives, rosacea and acne. Manage your stress to reduce the occurrence or severity of these bothersome skin conditions.

Myth: There is nothing wrong with a healthy tan.

False: The best way to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. Ultraviolet light ? the invisible, but intense rays of the sun ? damages your skin, causing deep wrinkles, dry, rough skin, liver spots, and more serious disorders, such as noncancerous (benign) and cancerous (malignant) skin tumors.

Myth: Shaving makes your hair grow back thicker.

False: Shaving hair doesn't create new, active hair follicles. It also doesn't increase the rate of hair growth or the color or length of your hair. The color, density, location and length of hair mainly depend on genetic factors as well as hormonal factors. When you shave body hair, it may feel coarse or stubbly for a time as it grows out. During this phase, it may seem more noticeable.

Myth: Men don't have as many skin problems as women

False: Men wrinkle as much as women and get skin conditions such as acne, seborrhea, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis just like women. Men also have additional concerns surrounding facial hair. Men typically don?t use sunscreen and protect their skin enough.

Dispel the skin care myths, take good care of your skin with a natural skin care routine, maintain a healthy diet and exercise program and you can enjoy younger, clearer, healthier-looking skin for years to come.

Author, Len Simpson, contributes articles on skin care for the National Skin Care Institute. For more information, visit

The Down And Dirty Secrets On How To Prevent Acne Scarring

If there's one thing that anyone suffering from acne skin blemishes can tell you without any hesitation, it's that severe acne can and usually does leave some type of acne scarring. Fortunately there some preventive measures and steps that you can take in order to minimize or completely eliminate any acne scarring from actually taking place.

The first thing you should know in regards to preventing any type of zit or pimple scarring as a result acne is that there really is no single one method or way to treat skin blemishes. Truthfully the elimination of acne scarring starts with the prevention of acne and that is a process that requires your complete dedication to keeping your skin healthy and clean.

The number one way to prevent acne scarring starts by eliminating one extremely bad vice that almost everyone who regularly suffers from acne is guilty of doing. That vice is the popping of zits and pimples that appear as a result of dirty skin cells. The single act of touching or popping a zit does nothing to alleviate your acne condition and instead creates the potential for future acne scarring.

Following the valuable advice of not popping your pimples the next thing to do is to get in the practice of regularly cleaning your skin. This could involve the use of acne skin cleansing products. Typical acne skin cleansers include skin exfoliates, anti-zit creams, facial creams and facial scrubs. Make sure to use the acne treatment products you purchase in accordance with their instructions. You should also consider seeking advice from an acne specialist, such as a dermatologist. They will be able to prescribe a line of acne products that will work to cure even the most severe cases of acne.

Keeping your skin clean doesn't sound hard but it really does require a lot of work and discipline. Just like many people ignore the habit of flossing their teeth so shall many consumers shrug off a daily routine that involves keeping their skin clean. Failure to do so will most likely result in the individual suffering from a bad complexion from the zits that will appear due to the clogged pores and blackheads that form as a result.

Make sure to plan into your schedule exactly when you will perform your daily skin cleansing ritual. If need be wake up slightly earlier then normal or postpone going to bed by 30 minutes in order to wash and treat your skin to prevent any acne from forming. It's really not too much to ask when you consider the alternative could be acne scarring that stays with you the rest of your life.

Although there are other things you can do to help prevent an acne outbreak and the future acne scarring that can result from your skin blemish the priority should be on keeping your skin clean. The quick tips we have outlined above if properly followed will go along way towards keeping your skin free of acne scarring zits, pimples and blackheads.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne cleaning solutions, remedies and how to prevent acne scarring that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Aging Skin Care What Is Chemical Peeling

As the name implies Chemical peeling peels the skin with chemicals. It is also called dermapeeling or chemexfoliation. By peeling off the skin layer, it allows new skin to form, which is new and fresh, and without some wrinkles. Chemical peeling is used to remove photo aged skin damages.

How chemical peeling is done for skin care- in chemical peeling, chemical solutions are applied on the skin. The choice and strength of chemical depends upon the results desired. For mild peeling, mild chemicals are used and so on. Sometimes, light peel is repeated over time to get desired effect. With mild peel, superficial wrinkles and sun damage is removed. For more damaged skin such as skin having age spots, freckles and acetinic keratoses, a medium peel is used.

Skin care and strength of chemicals- depending upon the skin damage, and the results desired, the dermatologist decides about the kind of peeling to be performed.

Skin care and peeling chemicals- common peeling chemicals include alpha hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, carbolic acid and other chemicals.

Skin care and side effects of chemical peeling- the chemicals peel the old skin and that is like sunburn. What the doctor is doing is to remove the old skin to a certain depth. That naturally causes redness and scaling of the skin. as new skin forms, the redness and scaling disappear. With medium or deep chemical peeling, the skin may develop blisters and swelling along with redness and peeling that may last for up to two weeks.

Skin care and discomfort with chemical peeling- some discomfort is the result as the skin peels. Your doctor will prescribe some lotions to reduce the discomfort. Exposure to sun must be avoided for some time and protection must be taken from sun till the new skin forms and all the side effects disappear. With chemical peeling, surface skin damage is removed. Please consult your doctor for further details.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and tips on love, dating, relationship and break-up on If you love to solve a quiz, please look at This site has free flash quiz cards on different topics including Personality, Friendship, Love, dating and many other subjects.