How to Gain Weight and Build More Muscle!

For many thin guys around the world, gaining weight without using illegal steroids has been a challenge. For thousands of lean young men, the dream is to gain weight, but no matter how much they eat they remain thin. Some people are naturally thin; that means their genetic makeup is in such a way that the body burns more calories than others. The very basic method of weight gain is to eat more calories than your body burns off. By providing the body with more calories, this balance can be altered and body mass can be increased. Weight training is of great importance in this context, which enables the body to absorb more nutrients from the food by increasing the level of certain hormones and increasing the muscle mass.

There are many incorrect beliefs and theories bout building muscle. The type of food to be eaten is an important factor which decides the type of weight gained, whether it is muscle mass or mere accumulation of fat. Some types of calories are not equal to others for gaining muscle; because most processed junk food contains empty, totally nutritionless calories. These foods promote accelerated fat storage, and do not provide the body with the correct nutrients essential for gaining muscle. High quality protein, which the body breaks down into amino acids, should be the centerpiece of all your meals. Intense exercise increases demand for amino acids, which support muscle repair and growth.

Another factor is the selection of the right type of weight training. Resistance exercises will help with muscle growth. Whereas aerobic exercises can result in the reduction of weight. For maximum muscle gain, the focus of your workouts should consist of free weight exercises, rather than machines or bodyweight exercises. To get a very effective workout, you must stimulate as many muscle fibers as possible, and machines do not do this. The main reason for this is a lack of stabilizer and synergist muscle development. Stabilizer and synergist muscles are supporting muscles that assist the main muscle in performing a complex lift.

The results of weight training can vary from person to person, and will usually depend on your consistency and commitment to your program. You should have the patience and motivation for building a powerful body with a consistent diet and exercise schedule.

Exercise Guidelines for building muscle:

Weight training involves the use of equipment that enables variable resistance. This resistance can come in the form of free weights like barbells and dumbbells, machines that use cables or pulleys to help you lift the weight, and bodyweight exercises like pull-ups or dips. The more stabilizers and synergists you work, the more muscle fibers stimulated. The exercises that work the large muscle groups are called compound (or multi-joint) movements that involve the simultaneous stimulation of many muscle groups. These compound exercises should be the foundation of any weight training program because they stimulate the most amount of muscle in the least amount of time. Multi-jointed free weight exercises like the bench press require many stabilizer and synergistic muscle assistance to complete the lift.

Free weight exercises like the dumbbell press or squat put a very large amount of stress on supporting muscle groups. You will get fatigued faster and not be able to lift as much weight as you did on the machine. But you will gain more muscle, become stronger very quickly and have a true gauge of your strength.

If you use machines in your program, they should be used to work isolated areas and only after all multi-jointed exercises have been completed. Beginners should begin with a limited combination of machine exercises, bodyweight exercises and multi-jointed free weight exercises. Before increasing the weight levels, they should work on becoming familiar with the proper form and execution of each.

The following are some proven basic exercises to encourage muscle and strength gain unlike any other exercises.

Bench Presses - works the chest, shoulders, triceps

Overhead Presses - shoulders, triceps

Pull-ups/Barbell Rows - back, bicep

Squats - legs, lower back

Dead lifts - legs, back, shoulders

Bar Dips -shoulders, chest, arms

To build mass, you must weight train with heavy weights. To consider a weight heavy, you should only be able to do a maximum of 4-8 reps before your muscles temporarily fail. A weight is considered 'light' if you can do more than 15 reps before muscle fatigue sets in. Heavy weights stimulate more muscle fibers than lighter weights which result in more muscle growth. Heavy weight training puts a huge strain on your body, so adequate rest and recuperation after your workouts is essential.

Eating guidelines for building muscle:

A high protein diet is an inevitable part of any weight training programme, importantly, protein derived from animal sources. Proteins you need to be concerned with are those found in whey, casein (cottage cheese), eggs, beef, poultry, and fish. Soy protein, tofu and bean curd are some alternatives. Eating the right amount of foods consistently will force your body to grow beyond what you may think possible. The diet also should contain an adequate amount of carbohydrates (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, oatmeal, cream of wheat, cream of rice, rice, beans, bread, pasta, all cereals) and fat. Green leafy vegetables and fruits also should be included.

When you train with weights, you should eat a minimum of 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. You also must have protein at every meal. To enable your body to actually assimilate and use the all the calories you will ingest, you have to reduce your meal size and increase your meal frequency. Splitting your calories into smaller, more frequent portions will enable food absorption and utilization of nutrients.

During the past 20 years there have been great developments in the scientific understanding of the role of nutrition in health and physical performance. Studies shown that adequate dietary carbohydrate should be ingested (55-60% of total energy intake) so that training intensity can be maintained. Excess dietary saturated fat can exacerbate coronary artery disease; however, low-fat diets result in a reduction in circulating testosterone. So the balance between protein, carbohydrate and fat should be maintained.

So the focus on weight gain programmes must be on two components, lifting heavy weights, which will stimulate the largest amount of muscle fibers. Your body responds to this stimulus by increasing your muscle mass and secondly eat more calories than your body is used to. When you overload your system with plenty of protein and fats, your body has no other choice but to gain weight.

A Mass Gaining program is incomplete without the timely measurements to monitor your progress. Without it, you won't know how exactly your body is responding to your diet and training routine. Just looking in the mirror and guessing is not acceptable. If you want to start getting great results, you must develop the habit of accurately tracking your progress. This also provides the motivation to continue with the weight gain schedule and for the further progression. So even though you have a very thin body type, and haven?t been able to gain weight no matter what you try, you will definitely succeed with a well planned weight gain programme.








7) Lambert CP, Frank LL, Evans WJ. Macronutrient considerations for the sport of bodybuilding. Sports Med. 2004;34(5):317-27

Former skinny guy Anthony Ellis is the author of Gaining Mass. The most widely used weight gain program in the world. This unique program designed to help people gain weight and build muscle, is currently being used in over 90 countries. For more information on how to gain weight and build muscle, check out his website at

Good Skin Care ? Bacteria is Your Best Medicine

By now, most of you probably have heard of ?good? bacteria and 'bad' bacteria. Good bacteria help digestion and keep pathogenic substances in check. Bad bacteria compromise the digestive and immune systems. Did you know that the presence of good bacteria could be the most important element of your skin care routine?

At the turn of the century, Dr. Elias Metchnikoff, a Nobel laureate who discovered many immune system components, wrote a book called Prolongation of Life. In this book, he documented the direct connection between longevity and maintaining a proper balance of beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, algae, and fungi) within the body. The book inspired what came to be known as the Probiotic Revolution. Although his theories were not immediately accepted, scientists and health and medical professionals are now proving and extending many of his findings on healing, immune system enhancement, disease prevention and life extension.

The precise number of microorganisms in our body is not known, but it is thought to be in excess of 100 trillion. In a healthy, well-balanced body, these create an intestinal ecosystem that protects us against parasites, harmful bacteria, yeast, and viruses - our lives literally hang in the balance of this ecosystem.

The two most prevalent types of microorganisms in the body are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Not only do they guard against harmful bacteria, they also are involved in the production of certain nutrients such as Vitamin K and the B vitamins.

The most common food source for probiotics has been yogurt. However, yogurt does not contain the full range of probiotics needed, and the amount contained in most brands has been found to be negligible. Decades ago, before our crops and soil were inundated with chemicals like pesticides and herbicides, our food contained all the probiotics necessary to maintain health. Organisms from soil, called homeostatic soil organisms (HSO), are still our best source of probiotics. A good blend of HSOs, from clean soil without pesticides, herbicides and other pollutants, can be found in health food stores.

Good health begins in the gut. If it?s not in good shape, it will compromise your overall health. And that, of course, will manifest in every organ of the body ? including the skin. So, good skin care also begins in the gut, and it is vital to keep your internal ecosystem balanced.

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is a freelance writer for The National Skin Care Institute. More information can be found at

5 Common Beauty Mistakes That Age Your Skin Prematurely

What you do now can affect how quickly you age 10 or 20 years down the road. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to premature aging of your skin. Whether you look 10 years older than your peers or 10 years younger than them a few decades from now all depends on what you do now.

These 5 mistakes are

1. Too many late nights.

Whether you party all night long or work through the night to meet deadlines. Not getting enough sleep at night is going to affect your skin. In the short run, you look terrible the next day without makeup. In the long run, your skin ages faster. Some of the women who stay beautiful into their twillight years have always gone to bed early every night since they were young.

2. Too much crash diets.

Lose weight suddenly then gain it back and lose it again quickly, over and over again. Your skin has to readjust to all that weight gain and weight loss so often it loses its elasticity. Result.. you end up looking older than if you had lost weight gradually and kept at a certain weight.

3. Too much junk food

All that sugar, salt, additives, artificial flavouring, cholesterol, fat and unhealthy stuff in your junk food all adds up. It gets worse if for lunch, you have a pack of M & Ms on the go. Not only do you get fat, stretching your skin further, you deprive your body of the nutrients you need. Your skin needs vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients you get from fresh fruit, vegetables, meats, grains and wholesome food. The women who look younger than their actual age tend to have healthy diets. Snack on fresh fruit and nuts instead of junk food. Eat proper nutritious meals.

4. Getting a real tan

No doubt, lots of A-list celebrities sport that glowing tan. The gorgeous crowd is often a tan crowd. You can get that tan too, but do it without the sun or UV lamps. You see, a real tan is produced when the UV rays of the sun damage your skin. It might look healthy but someone who tans regularly when young usually ends up with leathery skin decades later, more wrinkles than their peers, and that is IF they are lucky. Some even end up with skin cancer. The smart way to get that gorgeous tan is use sunless tanning products.

5. Not using sunscreen.

You might use all the anti-aging skin care products you can find, but if you skip sunscreen, all is in vain. Sun damage is one of the biggest culprits in the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Whether you are at the beach or going out to get some groceries, your skin needs protection from the sun. Each morning, as part of your skin care routine, apply a sunblock moisturizer.

The writer is the webmaster of, where you can find cosmetics, skincare, makeup and all the beauty products from your favourite beauty brand.


See your doctor, this information is educational. This is intended to complement conventional medicine, not to replace it.

What is fibromyalgia? There has been much confusion about this condition in part because it has been given many names. It used to be called fibrositis, or myofascial pain, myofascial pain syndrome, psychogenic rheumatism, fibromyositis, myofasciitis, tensionmyalgia, or psychological muscle disorder.

Chronic muscular pain is just one facet of this syndrome; it runs much deeper than just sore and aching muscles or joints. Just living with gravity and our modern day stress can cause much of the soreness and muscle tension that most people experience. However, when we have the condition of fibromyalgia, or myofascial pain syndrome, all of the stress and tension is intensified ten-fold.

The chronic pain can be regional, myofascial pain syndrome (in the connective tissue or muscles) or widespread fibromyalgia with overall aches and pains accompanied by neurological and other problems. The condition can be very severe and has many faces.

Since mostly women suffer from fibromyalgia, most experts think it is connected to the hormone estrogen. It could be an estrogen insufficiency or certain hormonal changes that affect the muscle pain. It?s usually found in women over thirty.

I have never heard of males with this condition in my thirty years of experience. I have known only a few women that actually were diagnosed with this condition.

The pain of fibromyalgia is different in every individual and has no limits; sometimes it?s a dull pain and other times sharp. It can be numbness on the surface of the skin or deep, muscular aching that is dull, shooting, burning, throbbing or stabbing, sharp pain. Most often, the pain and stiffness are worse in the morning, and it?s not unusual to hurt in the muscle groups that are used more often: upper neck, shoulders, low back, hips, and legs. In fact, often every joint may hurt. Here again it varies with the person. Their activities or jobs, as well as their mechanical postures, can dictate where they will suffer most.

The Chronic fatigue has been described as ?feeling unmotivated? or ?having mental fatigue.? Some patients told me if they could get the strength to get out of bed then they could deal with the rest of the day.

Chronic Headaches Recurrent migraine or tension type headaches are seen in about 50-60% of fibromyalgia patients and can pose a major problem. Just dealing with the daily activities of life can be a struggle for these patients.

Most have a sleep disorder called the alpha-EEG anomaly. This means that they don?t get to the deeper levels of sleep and they are constantly interrupted by awakening brain activity. Thus, when they wake up they feel that they didn?t get any rest and the body did not get a chance to recover. This condition creates added stress, which keeps them in the vicious cycle. One of my patients said she felt like she?d been run over by a truck when she got up every morning. Another one is Myoclonus or PLMS (nighttime jerking of the arms and legs), restless leg syndrome, and bruxism (teeth grinding).

Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ) is connected with the headaches or face pain in 25-30% of FMS patients. Research indicates that as many as 90% of fibromyalgia patients may have jaw and facial tenderness that could produce the same symptoms of TMJ.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) It?s common for many of these women to have bowel problems, constipation or diarrhea. Frequent abdominal or chest pain is also not uncommon. These symptoms are found in 60% to 70% of fibromyalgia patients, according to the research, in addition to PMS and painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea).

Other common symptoms include muscle numbness and or tingling sensations; muscle twitching; swollen extremities, dry skin or skin sensitivity, dry eyes and mouth; dizziness and impaired coordination. Often patients experience sensitivity to weather or wind, rain, and changes in temperature. Hormonal fluctuations (premenstrual and menopausal states), depression, anxiety and overexertion can all contribute to symptom flare-ups.

The holistic approach seeks to approach the problem on all levels-- mental, nutritional, and physical. Each aspect of these problems needs a specific modality or therapy. We recommend the use of conventional medicine with nutritional, herbal, biochemical nutrients, bio-mechanical body therapy, and mind-body methods designed to enhance the body?s own natural healing systems.

We know that the best way to approach a vague disease is to use conventional holistic practices such as good nutrition, lower fat intake (especially the saturated fats), less sugar and fewer junk foods. Increase water intake for flushing the system and increase intake of anti-oxidants Vitamins C, E, beta carotene, and a good multi- vitamin, with increased doses of cell salts and selenium. Some medical experts say phosphatigylserine, which is a lipid (fat processor) and gingko biloba can also help ease the condition. Also, adding fish oil capsules.

From a natural perspective, GABA itself is available from the health food stores over the counter. Again, I just want to caution anyone self-medicating, even with natural substances.

Magnesium-calcium and selenium supplements also may help by acting on some of the same neural and muscle receptor sites that GABA influences.

About 80% of our chronic pain patients are deficient in magnesium. That?s because physical pain (and also mental anguish) cause the muscles to overwork and the muscles use up much more magnesium than normal. This is a reason why many athletes need extra magnesium as well.

Ironically, the muscles really need that magnesium to function and not having enough of it increases muscle spasm and pain, as well as the general vulnerability to stressful stimuli such as loud noises, chemicals, and emotional distress. So this hyper-sensitivity puts people in that kind of vicious cycle.

Many of these patients have hypoglycemia or blood sugar control problems as well. This is normally due to the stress of their illness on the glucose/insulin system. Excess stress causes the body to be on high alert. Consequently, the dietary guidelines described above could be very helpful in conjunction with a few quick and helpful nutritional tricks. A small supplementation of olive oil, chromium, or glutamine can usually reverse this common complication.

Natural remedies to help sleep are valerian root, 5-hydroxy tryptophan, passion flower, GABA, and melatonin. Relaxation or meditation training and other natural approaches can do much to restore good sleep. This is a bit more complicated than it sounds; we advise that you consult with a professional. Of course, some medicines can also help with sleep as long as care is taken to not create a habit or dependence on these drugs. Reducing alcohol as well as reducing caffeine and sugar will help the body sleep better.

The most interesting recent research is that the kinds of medicine that work best for fibromyalgia and myofascial pain are not the traditional narcotic pain suppressors such as vicodine, codeine, or the highly potent, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medicines such as Celebrex or muscle relaxers such as Flexeril.

The best medicines acrording to Dr. Podell to use instead are those that act on our nervous system and neurochemistry to reduce and reverse allodynia, the body?s abnormal increased sensitivity to that pain.

The most surprising news is that many of the best new medicines are actually old standbys that have been used for many years for other conditions. Because of the complexity of fibromyalgia, we are just re-discovering the beneficial effects for helping the neuro-chemistry. Some of the common medicines used are Baclofen, Elavil, Flexeril, Gabatril, Klonopin, Neurontin, Paxil, Sinequan, Serzone, Xanax, and Zofran.

The above medications, of course, can cause some side effects in some people, so see your doctor for any questions you may have.

Biochemistry and Metabolism

Since every body is very individual there are laboratories specializing in diagnosis that can help us detect metabolic imbalances and dysfunctions.

1. Essential fatty acid analysis which often shows a deficiency of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Certain amino acids analysis often shows a deficiency of the chain relationship of amino acids, with glutamine, taurine, tryptophan or tyrosine being the most common.

2. Other theories pertaining to alterations in neurotransmitters like serotonin and nor epinephrine. As mentioned before, substance P has an immune system function. Substance P is a pain neurotransmitter that has been found by repeat studies to be elevated three-fold in the spinal fluid of fibromyalgia patients. Two hormones that have been shown to be abnormal are cortisol and growth hormone (HGH).

3. A comprehensive digestive and stool analysis can point to digestive enzyme deficiencies, yeast, candida or Epstein-Barr, bacterial overgrowth, or even parasites, which most people will have. The key is your immune system can usually handle it and when it can?t then you succumb to worse problems. I feel that enhancing or strengthening the immune system is the best way to improve health with any disease.

4. Food allergies can be tested for as well or detected by going on an elimination diet. ?Sensitive? food allergies can be identified that can make pain symptoms worse. Be careful with cleansing diets as I have found most people need building foods first due to poor eating habits. Urine tests for milk- or wheat-derived opioid peptides can pinpoint digestive abnormalities that lead to toxic by products. We have found most people are allergic to dairy products as well as to gluten found in wheat products.

5. We used to do hair analysis or DMSA provoked urine testing to detect high levels of toxic metals like mercury or lead. Now we have many other systems for diagnosing and finding problems of that nature.

6. Checking the liver functions and enzyme levels is another way to find problems as the liver is a key organ for cleansing the body.

7. Ordering a screening T4/TSH is a good first approach as well. Many of the symptoms of fibromyalgia mimic hypothyroid muscular disease. Your doctor should order a screening thyroid test as part of the initial workup of fibromyalgia.

8. Checking for hyperthyroid is also done quite easily in the laboratory. Just make sure you are working with someone that takes the time to eliminate other potential problems that could appear as FMS.

Body-Therapy and Mind-Body Therapies

Great relief may come with just getting massage, however, it can also aggravate your condition so usually gentle massage is recommended and not deep tissue work. One of the best techniques for these painful bands is DTF (Deep Transverse Friction), made popular by Dr. James Cyriax. You should see a professional massage therapist trained in this technique.

Trigger point therapy is another technique that helps reduce the stress in the tissues and also should be done with great care. As you will find, within these taut bands of muscle are extraordinarily sensitive pain points.

There is in the realm of body-mind techniques several that have proven effective in neurological balancing. The most popular and widely used are Traggering and Feldenkrais created by two extraordinary people who were pioneers in body-mind therapy. Milton Tragger was an M.D., a neurosurgeon who created a movement type of treatment that is gentle and achieves deep levels of relaxation through rocking motions. He was a friend and I got to know him in Honolulu and experience his work directly. We exchanged a few sessions with each other. It is very great, gentle system of work, soothing to the nervous system.

Feldenkrais was once associated with Ida Rolf, the mother of Rolfing. Rather than doing deep body work on the fasciae like Rolfing, Feldenkrais worked with certain body postures and movements to free up the patterns in the body since it often falls into poor posture and pain. Using movement and re-education of the body was his approach. His theory was to break up the neurological patterns of pain and restrictive movement.

There are a few others that are similar: Aston patterning, Alexander Technique, and certain types of polarity therapy can all be helpful. Often it?s not the technique as much as the belief of the effectiveness of the therapy by the patient.

More Mind Techniques

Of course, one of the best mental treatments for chronic pain and chronic illness, which takes a psychological toll on the mind as well as the body, is bio-feedback training, or some kind of relaxation or meditation techniques. These systems have been around for thousands of years, and only in their application do we think they are new.

There is a very useful technique call Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP, another mental tool that changes the physiology by focusing on a positive new pattern rather than on the old problem. And all of Tony Robinson?s work is very powerful for transformations. I was lucky to have met him in the old days when I gave him a treatment and took all his seminars.

Just good old-fashioned deep breathing can do wonders for the pain and the stress level of any individual. Yoga and all the many forms of movement as we talked about before, tai chi or ballroom dancing, for anyone for that matter, may be helpful.

What To Do If You Have FMS

In the long term, the most important thing you need to understand is that the first step is to understanding your fibromyalgia syndrome. We know that it can be chronic, but the symptoms or your episodes may flare up - or mellow out. This, we feel, can depend on your stress level, as well as what you have been doing to work on improving your condition. The impact that FMS has on daily living as well as activities is going to be different with each individual. It is commonly accepted that FMS can be as serious as rheumatoid arthritis in disabling people from working fulltime jobs.

Many patients have felt helpless or hopeless, and generally get very little relief or poor results. We must remember the best results come from using all the tools and methods available. It takes knowledgeable people as well as your commitment to becoming informed to begin getting better. Know that FMS is not a life-threatening disorder, although we can?t say it?s harmless. Some on the far end of the spectrum may feel like they can?t live like this, but on the other side, some people can do well and live a good life.

Get your doctor to do the laboratory tests to rule out other possible maladies that can overlap or appear as FMS. One is hypothyroidism; it can be over-diagnosed but most commonly it?s misdiagnosed. Fibromyalgia patients must have a good and thorough clinical diagnosis. Qualified medical doctors or osteopaths must make this diagnosis and ideally rule out other possibilities.

This disease can be confused with or be similar to MS (multiple sclerosis), lupus, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and even heart problems. You may have TMJ (temperomandibular joint syndrome), candida, Epstein-Barr syndrome, or CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), or even Lou Gehrig's disease, a brain tumor, spine disease or a whole bunch of other problems. The only way to know it?s FMS is to rule out some of these others, and only a qualified medical or osteopathic doctor can do this.

Fibromyalgia Network for a listing of patient contacts and physician referrals. The phone number is: (800) 853-2929.

For Othon see for more information and other articles.

May health be with you in all ways. . .

Othon Molina Ph.d. c LMT has been involved in the health field as a manual therapist and personal trainer for over thirty five years. He has studied with some of the top doctors and healers of our times. His specialty is treating sports injuries, back problems, and teaching others how to improve their health or athletic competition using nutrition and fitness technologies.

One of his specialties is Kinesiology, and sports training. He has been a runner all his life, and competed in many triathlons, 5k's, 10k's and marathons. Competing at an elite level gave him the experience to help train others. Recently he coached and worked with the female champion of the German team of triathletes.

Some of his clients include: Bob Hope, Jane Seymor, Essam Kashoggy, Jim Nabors, Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Carol Burnett, San Francisco Ballet, Allvin Alley Dance troupe, some of the top Olympic and international elite athletes, team doc and new trainer for the German professional triathletes. He also trains massage teams as well as health professionals worldwide.

Vitamins For Dry Skin

Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors. For people suffering from dry skin that has been inherited, there is no permanent solution except to take care of the skin with creams and lotions to avoid aggravating the condition.

Dry skin is also caused by old age. The body then cannot produce sufficient amount of oils and fluids as required. The oily layer on the skin then tends to become dry and often scaly.

Dry skin can also be caused by extreme climate and improper diet. Also, the amount of water intake is proportional to the fluid being retained in the body. All these lead to loss of requisite vitamins from the body.

The skin tends to look dry if Vitamin A and Vitamin B are deficient. Leafy vegetables, fish, and other foods can help in replenishing these vitamins in the body. Juices from citrus fruits can also be of a lot of help in this process.

Dry skin tends to look dull due to lack of Vitamin E in the skin. This can be taken care of by using the lotions that are rich in vitamin E. This produces a glowing and healthy skin.

Olive oil and almond oil are very rich in Vitamin E. Regular massage with these oils can prove to be very beneficial. Olive bath oil can also be applied on the wet skin right after bath, and the excess blotted out with tissue. This helps block the moisture from escaping soon after the bath and provides a soft and smooth skin.

Dry Skin provides detailed information on Dry Skin, Dry Skin Care, Dry Skin Treatment, Dry Skin Lotion and more. Dry Skin is affiliated with Natural Acne Skin Care.

Tips For A Glowing Skin

Do you know how and where to moisturize? Here are some helpful hints?

MOISTURISING our skin is essential to maintain that 'young, beautiful' look. On another note, is it necessary to moisturize all areas of your skin? The answer is NO. Many models actually go to private 'beauty' classes to learn how, when and where to moisturize their skin. So, learn your skin type, don't be 'afraid to try many products before settling on one.

1. Do not over moisturize as it can lead to clogged pores. Your forehead and cheeks tend to be the drier areas. There is no need to moisturize your chin if it is not needed.

2. Most women misdiagnose their skin type. This can cause improper moisturizing. You also need to change your techniques of moisturizing with the changes of seasons. Know about the various moisturizers -

3. When using a moisturizer, always apply it to the skin in a circulatory motion. Pat your skin with the tips of your fingers gently as if playing a tune on a piano. This is also a great stimulant for your skin.

4. Tired of buying moisturizers too often? Here is how to make them last longer. Use a small amount of natural vegetable oil as a base first. This will help make your moisturizer last much longer.

5. Use a moisturizer as a base before applying your foundation. For best results, wait until the moisturizer is dry and then apply foundation. However, if your foundation is somewhat dry; then apply it right away; your moisturizer will help it to loosen up a bit.

6.To get the best results from any of your facial products, rub it between your hands, this helps to heat it up, and hence, becomes easier to apply.

For more tips and article on beauty and skin care -

About the Author: Nikhil Jain MBBS is an editor and author (, skin specialist and veteran dermatologist whose passion is guiding others to solve their skin problems and enhance their beauty.

Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment Information

Salicylic acid treatment is as natural as steeped black willow bark. That of course would yield a chemical equivalent. One of its forms is a main ingredient in aspirin. Why then is this one of the four FDA approved ingredients for over-the-counter acne medications?

One of the guiding principals in facial skin care is the word gentle. Other areas of the body are thicker skinned but the face has thin and more delicate epidermal layers. So whatever the purpose of the medication it must be gentle enough to perform its function without damaging the skin in any way.

This ingredient is often used in soaps of all forms. Cleansers for acne use salicylic acid treatment to gently exfoliate. The strength of the solution used may vary widely from medicated soap or cleansing cream to the next.

Solutions of salicylic acid treatment as low as 2% can provide antibacterial and exfoliating functions. Some companies market products containing salicylic acid treatments with solutions ranging from 5%, 10%, 20%, or 35% depending on level of exfoliating properties desired.

The very concentrated solutions are deep peeling and are not designed for daily use. Perhaps as infrequently as twice a month or less is the proper recommendation for these very high concentrations of this ingredient. You don't want to leave the stronger percentage Salicylic Acid peels on your skin too long or you could end up with a painful chemical burn.

So it seems that the difference between gently cleansing and removal of fairly deep layers of skin is simply the strength of the solution of the same ingredient. Whether weak or strong the theory of exfoliating in the routine treatment of acne is the same.

Removal of outermost layers of skin is intended to free up the plugs that clog pores and allow them to become dislodged. This is the reason that they are so often included in cleansers. Once dislodged they can be quickly washed away.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino is the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies, using proper etiquette and manners while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. Free info. on Adult Acne and skin care treatments.

Psoriasis Skin Inflammation & Psoriatic Arthritis

A person affected might first mistake it for fungal infection, a disease that also causes white patches to appear on the skin. A big difference between the two is the inflammation of the affected area and the silvery white scale that covers it. These patches are called ?lesions.? The coverage area of these lesions can range from minimal to widespread depending on the person affected. For most people, though, psoriasis tends to be mild. Unlike fungal infection also, psoriasis is not contagious. Contrary misconceptions, it cannot be passed on to another person by skin contact.

Psoriasis can develop on any part of the body but it commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows, and torso. The appearance of lesions is often symmetrical. That?s why when a lesion appears on the right side of the body, the person affected should expect one to appear on the left also.

Psoriasis rarely appears on children. It usually develops at the age of 15 to 35 and occurs equally both on men and women no matter what race.

Occurrence of psoriasis can range from mild to moderate to severe. When three to ten percent of the body is affected, it is considered a moderate case, but when more than ten percent is affected, it is already considered severe. Whatever the case of psoriasis a person has, though, it always affects his or her quality of living because of the health complications it entails. The skin, which is its primary target, can appear to be discolored if severe psoriasis occurs.

Another health complication that is linked with psoriasis is psoriatic arthritis. It may develop anytime but, mostly, it occurs in the adults. Although having psoriasis does not necessarily mean that psoriatic arthritis will follow.

I hope this has given you a better understanding of the condition psoriasis.

Psoriasis facts in plain English by Jason Herbert the webmaster of Vitiligo

The Protection Against Solar UV Rays is Not a Fairy Tale!

Solar UV radiation (UVA and UVB) produces reactive oxygen species (ROS), within both dermal and epidermal cells. The reactive oxygen resulted from a dissociation of molecular oxygen in atomic oxygen has high affinity for different organic molecules, increasing their potential for oxidation, which can affect proteins structure, causes local inflammation and initiates several unfavorable skin cell reactions.

Both layers of the skin, epidermis (the upper layer) and dermis (the lower layer) are affected by UV rays. UVB radiation easily penetrates the epidermis and stimulates melanocytes, one of the cells types on the epidermis to produce a brownish pigment called melanin. Melanin protects the skin by absorbing and scattering ultraviolet rays. UVB rays are shorter and are responsible for the sunburns we feel when our skin is unprotected. UVA goes deeper into the skin and cause major changes in the dermis. The collagenous constituents of dermis, responsible for the skin?s strength, show marked alterations in their composition. This radiation is responsible for the acceleration of the skin aging process by breaking down the collagen and elastin tissues. UVA rays cause skin tanning, age spots, and wrinkling of the skin, as well as contribute to the development of skin cancer.

Sunscreen agents with SPF of 15 or greater are considered sun blocks because they may absorb more than 92% of UVB radiation. Currently, there is no standard method to assess sunscreen agents for UVA protection.

Usually, it is recommended to use creams, lotions and mineral make-up with sunscreen capabilities to protect your skin against UVB radiation. However, sun UVB blockers constituents, such as the derivatives of cinnamon (cinnamic aldehyde, cinnamic oil, octyl methoxycinnamate), PABA ( para- aminobezoic acids) and esters or salicylates (octyl salicylates , triethanolamine salicylate) can cause allergic reactions, irritation and might photosensitizes your skin. Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide reflect radiation and reduce the chance of an allergic skin reaction. However, the researches have been shown that microscopic particles of titanium dioxide, also called nano-particles, may increase the formation of free-radicals (reactive oxygen species) onto the skin.

Topical antioxidants can be effective in protecting against and reversing photodamage of the skin. Researches have been shown that topical vitamin C and E, as well as the mineral selenium can protect against sunburn, suntan and skin cancer. Only certain forms of these antioxidants are stable and active after absorption onto the skin. For example, vitamin C must be non-esterified and has to be acidic, vitamin E must be non-esterified and has to be the isomer, D-alpha tocopherol. Selenium is active only when applied topically as L-selenomethionine. It was also shown that topical application is several times more effective than oral administration of these antioxidants.

Antioxidants found naturally in their milieu, such as herbal extracts or oils are most likely more active than the same isolated antioxidants. For example by looking for vitamin C you may find it in active form and substantial quantities in Rosehip seed extract or oil. Further Sea Buckthorn oil is extremely rich in carotenoids, vitamin E and selenium. It has been already shown the important role of carotenoids in prevention and treatment of different cancer types due to their antioxidant capabilities. There is no wonder that the Russian cosmonauts have been using Sea Buckthorn base creams to protect themselves against cosmic radiation. Grape seed extract is rich in flavonoids and phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties, which some consider are even greater than vitamin C and vitamin E. The most valuable flavonoids in grape seed extract are proanthocyanidins, commonly called PCOs. The experts compare the therapeutic qualities of grape seed extract with those of Pycnogenol, a very powerful and expensive antioxidant used as an alternative treatment for heart and cancer disease.

In conclusion, be careful when select your sun blocker creams, lotions and make-up. They might not be appropriate for your skin type and they can trigger skin damage. For highly UV protection, I recommend the usage of skin care products based on complex combination of antioxidants. Not all antioxidants act in the same way to protect your skin. The richer environment in antioxidants, the greater protection against free radicals (ROS) is expected.

Here is the Best Acne Product

Acne is that irksome, soul destroying affliction which presents itself usually when we approach adolescence and which can continue well into our adult years - sometimes persisting for a lifetime for an unfortunate few. The frustration and embarrassment caused by this malady transposes into a never-ending search for the best acne product to help alleviate the problem.

Needless to say, the condition of acne is something shared by almost everybody at some time in their lives and, as would be expected, the number of products on the market is legion; because of this it can be very difficult to find just what may be the best acne product for you personally. The problem is that everybody is different. You may have a normal skin type, dry or even oily, as this will have some bearing on what type of product and treatment may be suitable for you.

In the search for the best acne product it just boils down to trial and error. Products should be chosen with your particular skin type taken into consideration and you may have to search considerably until you find success. Another thing to be aware of is that you may come across a product that will have an adverse effect so care must be taken: the last thing you want is to seek remedial treatment for a worsened skin condition.

In your search for the best acne product you may come to the decision that there is no one product that stands out. Perhaps a combination of one or more products may be best for you - again trial and error will tell. There are certainly plenty to chose from and some treatments include prescription products (which normally would have higher concentrations of the various ingredients) and various other products which can be bought at the local drug store without prescription. The best acne product can include face peels, exfoliants, washes and even make-up to help tone down existing conditions.

Alongside the various medications the very best acne product starts with your own daily regime of skin care. The skin must be kept scrupulously clean in order that bacteria are kept at bay. It is not recommended that spots and pimples be squeezed or picked as this may lead to permanent scarring which usually cannot be removed. Far better to prevent such condition than try to remedy it afterwards. Even with the most meticulous care of your skin, eruptions will still appear but by diligent attention to skin cleansing these can be kept to a minimum.

Now a word of caution; always bear in mind that all acne products bought over the counter contain chemicals and can have disastrous results if used on the wrong skin types. Before embarking upon any remedial action using these products it is strongly advised to check with your medical practitioner and follow any advice given. Your complexion is very delicate and any harmful results from inappropriate medications will decidedly show up. Certainly, facial scarring is something to be avoided at all costs.

To sum up; the best acne product is a combination of your own scrupulous attention to skin cleansing together with one or more of the products that work for your skin type. Once the correct combination has been found you may be one of those fortunate people who go through adolescence without the constant embarrassment suffered by many others due to acne - surely the dream of many an adolescent.

Copyright 2006 A J Hunter

A. J. Hunter has been on the Internet for many years, and is currently the CEO of one of the most up to date sites on acne scar treatment available today. Find out more by visiting:

Skin Types Sunscreen Products & SPF

Whether you?re outdoors for recreational or work purposes, repeated exposure to the sun will have its natural consequences for your skin.

Regardless of color, skin that is repeatedly exposed to the sun tends to become tough and thick. Beyond the middle years of adulthood, the results can include wrinkly, leathery skin.

Irrespective of the circumstances for sun exposure, selecting a sunscreen product that offers some degree of protection from the sun?s UV rays can be one way to protect your skin from these ageing affects.

Due to the variety and range of sunscreen products available, here are some basic factors to consider in making an appropriate selection:

1. Ingredients:

Sunscreen products can be made with ingredients to protect against UVA rays, and / or other ingredients to protect against UVB rays (which are in fact more harmful for sun burning than UVA rays). The best products offer ingredients for protection from both UVA and UVB rays. Consider also the actual ingredient list. (I.e. Are they naturally derived / safe, or do they contain potentially harmful chemicals?).

2. SPF (Sun Protection Factor):

The SPF number on the product?s label refers to the strength of protection, and the length of time a sun-screening product will allow your skin to be in the sun without burning - relative to the length of time bare skin (or skin without the product applied) would burn or redden.

To sum that up, the SPF number tells people how much longer they can last out in the sun with protection for their skin, without being burned. The higher the SPF number, the longer the period of protection against the sun.

For example, let?s say ?Joe?, a young student, would normally burn after 12 minutes of being out in the sun. He applies a sunscreen, also referred to as a sun block, with an SPF of 15. This means that he should be fine for 15 times his average amount of protection time. In other words, ?Joe? would be protected for up to 3 hours. Here?s the formula for calculating: 12 minutes x 15 SPF = 180 minutes (3 hours).

(Now if ?Joe? applied a sunscreen with an SPF of 30, he?d be protected for up to 6 hours. E.g. 12 minutes X 30 SPF = 360 minutes (6 hours)).

3. Skin Type:

When selecting a sunscreen, it?s important to consider the different skin types and how they react with exposure to the sun.

Young children: For ages 6 months+, consider a product with SPF of 15 or higher to protect against both sun tanning and burning. Also consider a product label that lists protection against both UVA and UVB rays (also known as the broad-spectrum).

Skin Type - Very Fair: This skin type generally burns quickly. Tanning is rare. Consider sunscreen products containing SPF 20 to 30.

Skin Type ? Fair: This skin type almost always burns easily. Some tanning can occur, although not much. Consider sunscreen products containing SPF 12 to 20.

Skin Type ? Light: This skin type burns in the moderate range. Tanning is normally gradual, yielding a light brown shade. Consider sunscreen products containing SPF 8 to 12.

Skin Type ? Medium: This skin type burns in the minimal range. Tanning happens much of the time, yielding a moderate brown shade. Consider sunscreen products containing SPF 4 to 8.

Skin Type ? Dark: This skin type rarely burns. Tanning occurs big time, yielding a dark brown shade. Consider sunscreen products containing SPF 2 to 4.

Skin Type ? Other: This skin type includes people with moles (or whose close blood-relatives have a history of moles), people with skin cancer in their family histories (including melanoma), and people with very fair skin and hair. As this is a high-risk category for health damage from too much UV exposure, consider using sunscreen products with the highest SPF available, combined with light to moderate sun exposure.

Once you?ve selected the most suitable sunscreen product, and regardless of your skin type, apply your sunscreen ?before? going out into the sun?s rays. To ensure the best possible UV protection, the sunscreen product should also be spread fairly thick, and in a uniform manner over all areas of the skin that will be exposed to the UV rays.

Whatever your current circumstances and choices are for going out in the sun, taking appropriate care of your skin ?now? will help determine a healthier and younger-looking skin in the future.

Angela Perin is author of the comprehensive new guide Your Personal Guide to Tanning - covering everything from your skin, uv light & sun-tanning, to sunburn, skin cancer, sunburn, sun protection and sunless tanning. Discover Safe Tan - The Ultimate Experience in Natural Sunless Tanning and download your free copy of this guide including bonus homemade recipes for sunburn relief, sunscreen and exfoliation!

Acne Skin Care: 8 Simple Tips to Follow

Commonly affecting the skin condition of people between ages 12 to 24 is a disease called acne. The cause of acne is hard to determine. However, over secretion of the sebaceous glands is pointed as the cause to trigger most acne outbreaks.

Pilosebaceous units are the combination of the hair follicles and oil glands in the skin. Except for the surface of the palms and the soles of the feet, pilosabaceous units are found on the skin tissue throughout the body . They are responsible in secreting the oily substance called sebum.

However, due to many factors (e.g. hormonal imbalances, stress and the skin's natural condition) the oil glands may be induced to produce more sebum than normal. When this happens, the excess oil plugs the skin pores. This process brings about bacterial infection and stimulate the reaction of the immune system. In the end, acne inflammation results.

Acne can strike at any skin type. An oily skin type is most susceptible to acne. Dry skin on the other hand, may not be as susceptible but serious outbreaks may occur during winter. Normal skin is equally susceptible to acne but the level of severity may not be as high.

Presently, acne is not yet totally curable but can be remedied with several acne skin care methods. Many seek the help of topical medications, which are applied on the surface of the skin. However, employing the use of acne skin care products like pore strip pads may remove whiteheads and blackheads but they would not have any effect on the excess sebum produced.

Nevertheless, for remedy and prevention, it is best to employ the following 8 simple tips:

1. A healthy, well-balanced diet must be observed. Therefore, your food intake must incorporate all the essential nutrients the body needs for efficient functioning.

2. Drink plenty of fluids like water, juices. Minimize the intake of carbonated drinks.

3. No make up is recommended.

4. Wash your face with mild soap and water. The logic is to not remove the dirt (as the majority of acne-inflicted person perceive) but to remove the plugs on the skin pores, which may be a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and hardened sebum. Although dirt is not truly the cause of acne, it may contribute to further infection through its interaction with skin debris and particles and extra oil in the skin.

5. Use topical cleansing pads that may contain one or the combination of the following: salicylic acid, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to remove excess oil. Another way to minimize the presence of extra oil in the skin is to wash the face with the hottest water you can withstand.

6. Minimize the use of harsh cleansers and use acne skin care items that exfoliate mildly. Do not scrub vigorously to the affected areas.

7. If your hands are dirty, refrain from touching your face.

8. If you have long hair, tie up your hair so that it is kept away from the face. This is especially so if the weather is hot and you have been perspiring.

Preventative acne skin care steps are just as important as the treatment of acne itself. With prevention, at least, you know how to ensure that your acne problem does not escalate and spread to a bigger infected area.

Kathelene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her blog includes useful information on acne remedy, natural skin care, natural remedies for skin care and anti-aging. She also provides step-by-step recipes for skin care that you can easily prepare from ingredients right out from your kitchen. Get updated on tips and resources at

Wait! Don't Shower Yet!

Although you may be aware of the contaminants in drinking water these days, have you ever stopped to consider that the same pollutants are in your shower and bathing water? Would it surprise you to learn that your body actually absorbs more chemical contaminants like chlorine during a quick shower than all the water you will drink during the day?

Our skin being the largest organ on our body will absorb anything we put on it. Lotions, perfumes, creams and even contaminants in shower water quickly move into the blood stream as they by pass the liver, actually they absorb much more quickly than if we are ingesting them orally.

If you are concerned about drinking chlorinated water and the high cancer risks associated with it than consider this..... Two-thirds of the harmful chlorine exposure actually comes from showering.

A 15 minute hot steamy shower is equivalent to drinking 8 glasses of water because of the vapors inhaled. The EPA states that Due to chlorine and showering virtually every home in America has a detectable level of chloroform in the air. This is because chlorine vaporizes in steam and combines with other organic compounds into chloroform which is a strong respiratory irritant and causes fatigue. A warm shower opens pores and allows a high rate of absorption. During a shower, 98% of the water goes down the drain, while 70-90% of the chemicals vaporize before the water hits the ground and the vapors remain in the air.

Bathing in chlorinated water also strips the natural protective oils in the skin and hair causing scaling and itching and is a major irritant for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It kills the beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin that offer a natural defense against skin disorders. So if you or a loved one suffers from a skin disorder, the most important step you can take is to eliminate the greatest irritant which is chlorine by investing in a quality shower filter. You will also love how soft and less dry your hair and skin is. A shower filter will be one of the best investments in your health and your family's health that you can make, and all for a very reasonable price.

Dawn Kornels is the technical writer for which offers articles and whole house water treatment systems.

How to Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

Exfoliating dead skin cells is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin. After all, that's exactly what exfoliating is -- removing the top layer of dead skin cells and allowing the new and healthier skin cells to rise to the surface. Simply washing your skin with traditional soap and water isn?t enough. To remove those nasty dead skin cells you will need to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis.

There are several reasons that exfoliating is good for your skin. Regular exfoliating gives your skin a more radiant look and a smoother feel. Over time, it can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and will contribute to your skin?s firmness and tone. It increases the blood circulation in the skin, helps to remove toxins, rids your skin of dry, rough patches, and can even help to break down and lessen the appearance of cellulite, something we would all be grateful not to have. It enhances the effects of daily moisturizing by allowing the moisturizer to penetrate the skin more deeply. Although exfoliating is good for your skin, it should be done in moderation. Depending on the strength of your exfoliating product, most dermatologists recommend that you exfoliate your face one to two times a week and other parts of your body about three times a week.

The reasons for exfoliating your dead skin cells are compelling but just how do you go about actually doing it. There are such a large variety of products on the market today that it can be quite difficult to decide where to start. First, there are several natural ways to eliminate dead skin cells. One such way is to use sea salts. Simply wet the face, or wherever you?re exfoliating, and apply a couple of tablespoons of sea salt to the dampened area. Using a washcloth or your fingers, gently massage the sea salts into your skin in a circular motion. Continue this for about two or three minutes and rinse with cold water. You can also make your own exfoliating cream by using 2 cups of brown sugar, 1 cup of Olive Oil, and ginger. Apply in the same fashion as mentioned above. The added benefit of these natural exfoliants is they are cost effective.

There are multiple products on the market today that you can choose from if going the all-natural route isn?t for you. Most of these exfoliates will contain Beta Hydroxy Acids and Alpha Hydroxy Acids. These are both non-toxic, herbal acids that are effective in sloughing off the dead skin cells on the body.

Brian Fong

Exfoliating dead skin is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin.

Herbal Acne Treatments That Work

In the United States alone, there are over 40 Million people who struggle with acne. Many of these people treat acne using chemicals such as antibiotics, prescription drugs, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid.

However, there is a growing number of people who choose herbal acne treatments over traditional medications. Usually, herbal medications have far fewer side effects, and are not as dangerous as some of the prescription drugs.

The problem however, is that the United States does very little to regulate the herbal supplement industry. Unlike traditional chemical medications, herbal medications are not required to be clinically proven to work, or even to be safe. An example of this lack of regulation recently came to light with ephedra related deaths, and ephedras subsequent ban.

This lack of regulation results in many different acne products on the market. All of which claim to heal, prevent, or even cure acne with few, if any, side effects.

The truth is, there are very few herbal acne treatments that are scientifically proven to work. Traditional chemical treatments are still the most effective in stopping acne.

There are only 2 herbal treatments that have been clinically proven to help stop acne, tea tree oil and green tea cream.

Tea tree oil is a natural oil, derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a particular type of tea tree found exclusively in Australia. While it has been used from hundreds of years by the native aboriginals as a treatment for just about anything, it has only recently been accepted by modern medicine as being a viable anti-bacterial agent.

Even though tea tree oil has been suspected as an anti-bacterial agent for some time, A groundbreakings study was conducted in 1990 by I.B. Bassett, which compared tea tree oil to benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of acne. It was found that tea tree oil is as effective as a 5% benzoyl peroxide solution. It takes longer (6 weeks) for the tea tree oil to be as effective, but participants in the study reported none of the side effects associated with benzoyl peroxide, such as redness, skin irritation, or dry skin.

This study has helped tea tree oil become a recognized and legitimate herbal acne treatment. However, there is no need to purchase an expensive cream that contains tea tree oil. Just applying several drops of the oil directly on the acne has shown to be the most effective way to apply tea tree oil.

This was the only herbal acne treatment that had been proven to work until recently, when Dr. Jennifer Gan-Wong conducted a study that shows green tea can also effectively fight acne.

Dr. Gan-Wong compared a green tea cream with 3% green tea, to a 4% benzoyl peroxide solution, and found that the results in treating acne where the same for both the tea and the peroxide. These results were recently presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.

These findings are relatively recent, and are not yet corroborated by additional independent studies. However, this evidence does demonstrate that the natural anti-bacterial properties of green tea can be effective to treat acne.

For those of you who are confused by the plethora of herbal acne treatments available, there really are only 2 that have been proven to be effective in fighting acne. Green tea cream, and tea tree oil. While many other herbal acne treatments may be good to moisturize the skin, or reduce oils, these are the only two that should be considered truly effective acne treatments.

Greg Podsakoff is a former acne sufferer, and editor of

Ten Habits of Flawless Skin

1. Don't overdo the use of cosmeceuticals. With more and more beauty potions containing alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), salicylic acids, antioxidants, and retinoids, mixing a cleanser from one line with a scrub or daytime moisturizer from another, then a night cream from yet another, can lead to over-exfoliation and irritation. This can add up to a real problem, especially for women with olive and darker complexions, who are more prone to discoloration when their skin is irritated.

2. Exercise. Twenty to 30 minutes of any aerobic exercise will give you a glow. Exercise increases blood flow, which brings more nutrients to the skin. But beware -- the buildup of oil and perspiration can result in sweatband acne, folliculitis, and prickly heat. The solution: Shower as soon as possible after working out.

3. Exfoliate. By mildly abrading your skin with exfoliating agents, you will remove the surface layer of dead cells. Afterward, fine lines will be less visible and your complexion will glow. A microdermabrasion cloth can do the trick. To find out more about microdermabrasion cloths check out

4. Check your body for spots. Any sudden or suspicious-looking bump, mole, or other growth is reason to see a dermatologist. But as skin-cancer rates rise, having a full body check by a professional is crucial -- especially for those of us in the baby-oil-and-iodine, pre-sunscreen generation. People in a high-risk group -- having a personal or family history of skin cancer, a lot of moles, fair skin, and/or light eyes or hair -- may need regular checkups starting in their teens, and probably no later than age 35, Even if you're not in a high-risk group, the American Cancer Society recommends that between the ages of 20 and 40, people have a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every three to four years. Once you hit your 40s, begin having a cancer-related checkup, including a skin exam, every year.

5. Eat Healthy Foods. Antioxidants (vitamins A, C, and E) -- which help reduce sun damage and fight certain cancers, including skin cancer -- are essential to your health. A well-balanced diet filled with at least five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, plus a multivitamin that meets RDA standards.

6. Don't wear makeup to bed. We all know it, but we sometimes do it anyway. Layers of foundation, powder, and blusher left on overnight can clog pores and lead to acne or folliculitis, Take it all off before bed with a mild non-soap cleanser.

7. Handle pimples carefully. Poking, prodding, and popping can prolong a pimple's life and make the problem worse. Scarring and the spread of infection are two possible consequences. To speed up healing, cleanse your face, then apply a warm compress, such as a clean, damp washcloth. Next, dab on an over-the-counter cream or lotion containing a drying agent, such as salicylic acid, sulfur, or benzoyl peroxide.

8. Get plenty of sleep. Most of us don't get the eight to nine hours we need to avoid sleep deprivation. The effects aren't hard to detect -- namely, under-eye circles. The solution: Budget in sleep time, including a short afternoon nap whenever you can manage it

9. Drink plenty of water. Yes, drinking water does keep you hydrated, which helps skin look and feel better, Get in the standard 6 to 8 eight-ounce glasses throughout the day -- more if you're a heavy exerciser. Also, many of the new sugar substitutes are dehydrating, so drink more water if you're into low-cal liquids.

10. Use Natural Cosmeceuticals. To wisely to play it really safe, stick with one line of natural products which are formulated to work together. If you use any prescription products ask your dermatologist to advise you on how to combine prescription treatments with over-the-counter natural cosmeceutical products. Visit for a listing of their natural cosmeceutical product line.

Clifford Bond is the CEO/Naturopathic Doctor of DermaCeuticals Inc. DermaCeuticals manufactures and distributes skin care products that are dedicated to reducing the visible signs of aging and improving the overall health and appearance of the skin. Our product line consists of antioxidants, moisturizers, exfoliants, cleansers and toners-all designed, formulated, and tested for effectiveness.

Great Looking Skin

Maintaining great skin can be a challenge if you don?t know the secrets to having perfect skin. Did you know that what you eat and what you use on your skin plays a tremendous role on the state of your skin?

Regardless of your skin type, all skin types should avoid eating fried foods because these foods contain free radicals that are toxic to the vital enzymes in the body.

Other foods that should also be avoided are alcohol and caffeine, especially on those individuals with dry skin. Alcohol and caffeine are diuretics that cause the skin to lose fluids and minerals. Basically, the diuretics dehydrate the skin making it look tired and dry leading to premature aging.

A great moisturizing secret is to use food from your kitchen on your skin. For example, avocado makes an excellent moisturizing facemask. It conditions the skin leaving it feeling moisturized and looking vibrant.

Try this recipe:

Mash ? avocado with 1 tbsp of plain yogurt.

Blend well and apply to clean skin.

Leave on for 10 ? 15 minutes and then rinse off face.

Proper cleansing of the skin prior to applying any moisturizer or facemask is always recommended. It's best that the pores are completely clean for the best results

If you want to learn more about having your own spa at home and healthy living, visit

Jan Johnson is the founder of offering free information on creating your own at-home spa on a dime. also offers healthy living tips and information.

Ayurvedic Medicine System

Ayurveda medicine is a very comprehensive medicine system that is more that 5,000 years old, that is based on a holistic medicine approach that has its roots in Vedic Culture. Inside the word Ayurveda you will see the word veda, which means knowledge, tells us it's important role in ancient hinduism. Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita are two early texts of Ayurveda. There use to be a tradition of surgery associated with ayurveda.

For the most part Ayurvedic therapies are herbal compounds. This is largerly due to it's ancient roots. In later times alchemical preparations start to enter the ayurvedic pharmacopieia. Ayurveda also provides therapies to treat different vegetable and animal toxins. Examples of this are things like snake, spider and scorpion venom. In fact there is an entire branch of Ayurvedic medicine that deals with the science of toxicology.

The main idea behind Ayurveda is that an organsism adapts to the food and its environment. By then introducing small quantaties of food and or medicine, the organism can adapt to it and learn to resist it. This is quite a basic principle and illustrates the complexity of the immune system and of the body as a whole.

The information provided above is only a breif look at the medicine, and some of it's qualities and idea's. Ayurveda is an extremely interesting form of medicine; it is easy to see why it has stayed with us over the past 5000 years!

Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.

Ryan Fyfe is the owner and operator of Ayurvedic Schools Treatment -, which is the best site on the internet for all Ayurvedic related information.

Homemade Facial Mask Recipes

Have you ever calculate how much money you have spent for beauty purpose in a month or a year? $200? $500? or maybe $1000 or more? Maybe it's time for you to stop wasting too much money by trying some cheaper beauty products which also will bring you the same results (or even more) compare with those expensive ones.

These are all natural homemade facial mask recipes, which you can prepare easily within minutes and the best part is: won?t cost you much!

* Normal, combination skin, oily and blemished skin

Mix one egg white, 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal, a teaspoon olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice until smooth. Spread on your face and neck, leave on for 15 ? 30 min then rinse with lukewarm water. Few drops lemon juice will help to reduce blackheads while egg white will leave your skin feel ?tight? after this mask application.

* Dry skin

Mix one egg yolk, a teaspoon honey and a teaspoon olive oil and some vitamin E oil. Spread over your face and neck, leave on for 15 ? 30 min then rinse in lukewarm water. You can add more olive oil if you still feel dry on your skin.

* Dry and spotted skin

Mix dry oatmeal (you may grind it in a blender), honey and plain yogurt to make a paste. Spread it over your face and neck, leave on 15 ? 30 min then rinse with lukewarm water. You may add a little salt and olive oil to make an exfoliating mask or scrub for your bocy dry skin area.

For more information about beauty, health and fitness, please visit and for beauty, health and fitness selected stuff, please visit

Sunscreen: The Very Best Advice

Exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet rays is the most harmful thing you can do to your skin. Many people have had skin cancer as a direct result of too much sun exposure. Imagine, you are trying to reduce the signs of aging or attempting to bronze the tone of your skin and you end up with a cancerous cyst on your face or body that has to be removed. Take great care of your skin?especially if you are going to be outdoors, even just for a little while.

They say that wearing sunglasses any time you are outside during the day is a very good idea. But you must choose carefully which kind of sunglasses you purchase, because if they do not have a certain percent of UV protection, they will not work as well as they should. You want the highest quality sunglasses you can get. However, as you know wearing a good pair of sunglasses does not take the place of wearing sunscreen. You will always want the sunscreen, and you may want both. Both methods of protection used together are the preferable, and most recommended course of action to take against the harmful effects of the sun.

Of course, the skin care manufacturers and professionals at the beauty counters in department stores or of the skin care products in the make-up isle of your local grocery store have caught on to this public spread of skin care awareness and have adapted their products accordingly.

Almost every make-up base has an SFP of some sort? some of them contain amounts of sunscreen as low as SPF 5, but usually the SPF level is somewhere in the vicinity of SPF 15. By this method, many make-up manufacturers believe that more women will buy their products instead of opting for a shiny face and smelling like the local pool.

The same is true for moisturizers. You can find daytime moisturizers in both expensive and inexpensive stores that also contain SPF levels, again usually SPF 15. It is recommended that you wear these moisturizers alone or underneath your make-up.

So that takes care of your face, whether you shop at inexpensive stores or at stores that are a bit more expensive?what you really need is that SPF. But now what about the rest of you? What about your arms and legs and belly showing in the sun? Remember to purchase plenty of sunscreen this season for you and your kids? protection. And, believe it or not it is recommended that one wear sunscreen even in the wintertime or on a cloudy day. The sun is still there, and as a matter of fact, it has been said that the sun can be worse on your skin when the sky is slightly cloudy because the UV rays have a sort of prism-effect as they penetrate the clouds, magnifying the UV damage that can be caused to the skin.

Mainly my point is, protect yourself and your family. No matter how small or seemingly trivial the errand may be?even if you are just running in and out of the store, use sunscreen and keep yourself safe.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on skincare and skin products please visit Skincare.

What You Need to Know About Acne

Acne doesn?t discriminate. It can effect anyone irregardless of their age, race or ethnicity. It is unpleasant to have acne and can cause many social issues. Avoiding acne may be impossible, but there are things you can do to avoid a serious case of acne. If you already have acne there are many treatments available from home remedies to professional methods. Acne can really effect a person?s life so knowing everything you can about it can help you deal with it better.

Acne can occur anywhere on the body, but most often occurs on the face. It is caused by oil that get trapped in the pores. Acne comes in a few different forms: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or swollen nodules. The most common cause of acne is hormone changes which is why teens are more likely to experience it. There are, however, other reasons that acne occurs. Clogged pores can trap oil and result in acne. Some people are genetically predisposed to getting acne. Once you have experienced acne you are probably likely to want to prevent it from ever appearing again.

Avoiding acne may be impossible. Almost everyone experiences it. There are some simple ways to keep your acne at bay, though, and prevent serious breakouts. Washing your face and body with a non-irritating soap is the best way to prevent acne. Eating right has also been shown to keep skin clear. If you use cosmetics or other products you should use water-based products that are less likely to clog pores. Lastly, avoid touching your skin or picking at your skin. Your hands are very dirty and can transfer dirt to your face easily. These few ideas can help you avoid many acne flare-ups.

Once you notice you have acne you are sure to want to get rid of it. Administer treatment when you feel it is necessary. A simple home remedy for decreasing the redness of acne is to apply a cream used to reduce the swelling associated with hemorrhoids or apply ice. Over-the-counter creams and liquids are easily found at a local drugstore. Most often these medications contain benzyl peroxide which kills bacteria and dries up the skin. If you have a severe case of acne you may seek help from your dermatologist. Most acne cases are easily cleared up with home remedies or OTC treatments.

Acne can be devastating to one?s self-esteem. Depending on the severity and our genetic background you may be able to avoid acne by keeping you pores clean from clogs. Treatments for acne range from simple to complex. If you are in doubt about how to treat your acne or it is really severe you should consult your dermatologist.

The acne article was written by Craig Dawber, The infomation found in this website can without doubt can help your acne and skin care check it out

Neuropeptide Amino Polypeptide Skin Care Comparison

To determine why neuropeptide products are different from other effective antiaging skin care treatments on the market, we first have to determine the difference between neuropeptide and amino polypetide ingredients.

Neuro- and pentapaptides are both peptides but ?neuro? refers to the very specific functions of this peptide group, while ?penta? merely refers to the size of certain peptide molecules.

?Peptide? seems to be the ?IT? word in antiaging skin creams today. We have copper peptides, amino-polypeptides, hexapeptides, pentapeptides and now neuropeptides. And then there are all the variants like acetyl hexapeptide-3 and palmitoyl pentapeptide (a.k.a palmitoyl oligopeptide). The list is virtually endless and very confusing to the non-biochemist. Let me try to help you wade through some of the jargon.

A peptide is simply a small protein which is made up of amino acids. Peptides are active at very small doses, are highly specific and have a very good safety profile when used physiologically ? that is, to assist or change an organism?s physical processes. If we take apart some of the peptide labels above, we can begin to discriminate among them.

The use of ?amino? in amino-polypeptide is a bit redundant because all peptides are made of amino acids. The ?poly? just means this is a peptide of several amino acids. A ?hexapeptide? is a chain of exactly six (hexa) amino acids; a pentatpeptide is a chain of five (penta). One chemist working with a palmitoylated five-amino-acid-chain peptide named it ?palmitoyl pentapeptide?, while another chemist studying the same molecule called it ?palmitoyl oligopeptide?. This is a legitimate, though less specific, label since ?oligo? means ?few?. And so the confusion grows.

The term ?neuropeptide? is a bit more helpful in that it actually describes the function of the peptide. Neuropeptides act as neuromodulators, neurotransmitters, neurohormones, and hormones. Research into neuropeptides has exploded in recent years to the extent that there is a scientific journal named Neuropeptides whose aim is the rapid publication of original research and review articles, dealing with the structure, distribution, actions and functions of peptides in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

What is exciting about neuropeptides is their power and reach. Other neurotransmitters transmit central nervous system signals in one direction and along a path from A to B. Neuropeptides transmit omnidirectionally outward and can even direct transmissions in reverse. As neuromodulators, they can activate and deactivate other neurotransmitters. The scientific mind boggles at the potential.

The names of some of the neuropeptides may be familiar and help you to understand the potential of unlocking the secrets of these peptide molecules. Neuropeptides are grouped into families based on similarities in their amino acid sequences. There are the Tachykinins; the Insulins; the Somatostatins; the Gastrins such as cholecystokinin used to diagnose gallbladder and pancreatic problems; and the Opioids such as the enkephalins ? the body?s own opiates or painkillers.

As to how neuropeptides might affect the skin, an abstract in the July/August 2003 Brazilian Annals of Dermatology states: ?There is increasing evidence that cutaneous nerve fibers play a modulatory role in a variety of acute and chronic skin processes.

Local interactions between skin cells, skin immune components and neuronal tissues occur specially through neuropeptides ? Neuropeptide-related functions on skin and immune cells, as well ...nerve fibers in cutaneous inflammatory responses, hypersensitivity reactions and dermatoses, namely psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, leprosy and alopecia.

Now that you know that a neuropeptide has a function in the central nervous system and that a pentapeptide might also be a neuropeptide (having five amino acids in its chain) but not all neuropeptides are pentapeptides, how can you decide whether to pay the extra money for the exciting new neuropeptide creams? You want some evidence that they are sufficiently more effective to justify the higher price, right?

In sorting through all the peptides currently touted for antiaging skin care, I decided they can be placed into one of three groups depending on the amount and quality on the published research and development behind their use in skin care.

Some peptides have a lot of published scientific research behind them. They were developed for medical use and because of their success, found their way into antiaging cosmeceuticals. Copper peptide falls into this group since it has been studied and employed in wound healing since the 1970s. Palmitoyl pentapeptide also falls into this group. Doctors were already prescribing Strivectin-SD for stretch mark and scar removal when clinical studies of its superior wrinkle-reducing properties were presented at the 20th World Congress of Dermatology in 2002.

Other peptides have been developed within the cosmetic industry and quickly brought to market. The companies are careful to make no medical claims in order to avoid the lengthy FDA review process for a drug. Argiriline, a.k.a. acetyl hexapeptide-3, falls into this group. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that, similar to Botox, it reduces a muscle?s ability to tense and form deep lines of expression. Customer reviews are quite positive and more companies are incorporating the ingredient into their treatment lines.

In the third group are peptides that are very new or are proprietary and not widely available. Dr. Nicholas Perricone?s neuropeptide creams fall into this category. His neuropeptide variants all contain the prefix ?CL?. No research labs I could locate are studying or making the CL variants. Of course, as we saw above in the case of palmitoyl pentatpeptide, he may have just given an already known neuropeptide a different name.

The consumer has little to go on except Dr. Perricone?s word. That is, unless you consider his track record and broad following. He hasn?t yet failed to deliver. His previous antiaging developments have met with broad acclaim and his three books have been on the New York Times Bestseller list.

Dr. Perricone explains his work with neuropeptides in his third book The Perricone Promise thus. ?In 'The Wrinkle Cure' and 'The Perricone Prescription', I introduced a major theme of my research: the Inflammation-Disease-Aging Connection. Because inflammation is a great contributor to accelerated aging, it has been an important focus of my ongoing scientific research. And we now know that neuropeptides and peptides play an important role in mediating inflammation.?

Jean Bowler has been a fitness freak all her life. She has danced and taught ballet and been a personal trainer. Additionally she has sold skin care and nutrition products. Her articles on antiaging skin care products and cosmetic procedures, diet and nutriion, hair loss and more are available at

Does Anti Wrinkle Cream Really Work?

Wrinkles are signs of old age and for anyone who gives great value to beauty, wrinkles are simply upsetting. The first thing one would want to do is to get rid of those ugly lines and creases on her skin. If you are one of those who want to counter natural aging process and maintain a youthful glow on your face, you are probably thinking of buying an anti-wrinkle cream by now.

Anti-wrinkle cream and other anti-aging products are saturating the market nowadays and lots of people are patronizing them?men and women alike, young and old. Who doesn?t like to look younger and more beautiful, anyway? Even men now are conscious about the way they look and so many anti wrinkle cream advertisements nowadays aim at the men, too. They are usually marketed as part of grooming and skin care kits for men.

Apart from good looks, however, people use anti wrinkle creams for many other reasons. For one, an anti-wrinkle cream may be one?s solution to finding a job that demands an attractive and youthful appearance. Perhaps you?re dreaming of Hollywood but are less confident because of those ugly wrinkles that appeared too early in your life?an anti-wrinkle cream can do the trick for you. Moreover, it?s a lot cheaper to buy an anti-wrinkle cream rather than to avail of expensive cosmetic treatments like plastic surgery or even botox injection.

With all the anti-aging products available in the market though, it?s so hard to pick one that can give you your desired results. Each product promises to reduce or prevent wrinkles caused by aging, but then again, you can never be too sure which one really works?or do they all really work?

The answer is yes; however, effects of each anti-wrinkle cream vary. Some anti wrinkle cream and other beauty products may provide major changes to your skin while others only have a very little effect on the skin. Also, there are products that work effectively and quickly while others don?t. But in reality, no anti-wrinkle cream has really given a permanent rejuvenating effect as aging is a natural process nothing can really totally defy.

What an anti-wrinkle cream really does is it hides those ugly wrinkles and moisturizes your skin so you can achieve a more beautiful face. It has ingredients like oils, collagen and silicon dioxide whose molecules are smaller than those of the skin. They penetrate through the wrinkles and deflect light; thereby, making the wrinkles invincible to the naked eye.

An anti-wrinkle cream actually makes the aging process more pleasing and agreeable to you. It helps you cope with aging more gracefully by making you feel beautiful. And that great feeling about oneself actually does the work of making you look good. Remember that real beauty shines from within, so whatever kind of anti-wrinkle cream or anti-aging product it is that you use, always feel good about yourself and wear a smile no matter what life brings?only then you can be beautiful in every sense of the word.

Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in beauty care. For more information regarding anti wrinkle cream, please drop by at

Acne and You

What is acne? Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris, which means common acne. (Wikipedia)

Acne data:

Acne is nearly a universal skin disease in western society.

Adolescents - 79% - 95% are affected

25 and older - 40% - 54% have some degree of facial acne

Middle age - 12% of women and 3% of men

Treating acne depends on the type and severity of your acne. There are numerous acne treatments available today that help combat acne breakouts. Also, what works for a friend may not work for you. You may have to keep trying different methods and acne products.

I had a friend who tried every possible home acne remedy, acne treatment and acne solution she and her mother could think up. Some were very strange such as using a carrot mask. They actually pureed carrots and poured the concoction on her face. Needless to say none of those home acne remedies worked.

I found that when acne broke out on my face the best acne treatment was to gently, and I repeat - gently - wash the acne area twice a day with warm water and soap. This helped to kill the bacteria. And please note that steady improvements in your skin condition takes time. Don't expect an over night acne solution.

For a more stronger case of an acne outbreak I found that proper skin care, such as gently washing my face twice a day with soap and warm water combined with a few over the counter acne cleansers went a long way to fighting acne.

Acne cleansers are used to remove oils, sweat and dirt from the skin surface. The most popular over the counter anti bacteria killer is benzoyl peroxide. Another thing you can do is reduce oils by using a gentle astringent toner to wipe the oils away.

There are hundreds of over the counter acne medicines available. Choosing the best one for you takes time and some research. For over the counter treatments always remember to read the labels and instructions. This helps you determine if the product is right for you.

For more severe cases of acne the best thing to do is always go to a dermatologist. A good dermatologist will subscribe the acne treatment that is best suited to you.

(c) By Dorothy Dunnawaye

Dorothy Dunnawaye is a beauty journalist with a refreshing way of looking at life, aging and love.

Acne and Adolescents

It?s hard enough to be a teenager but if your teen is suffering from acne and adolescence at the same time you may have some questions. Acne and adolescence may go hand-in-hand but there are ways to improve the situation.

If acne and adolescence have become a problem at your house, read on.

Many people feel that acne and adolescence happen because the teen does not keep their face clean enough. This is not necessarily true. Sometimes acne and adolescence happen even when the teen washes his face faithfully. You could try a wash that is made for acne.

Acne and adolescence also is linked to diet. Reports vary on this topic with some believing that if the kids cut out chocolate, fried and fast foods all will be well. Others say that acne and adolescence have nothing to do with the diet.

Acne and adolescence can be minimized at times with a visit to the local drugstore. Chat with your pharmacist and see what she recommends for acne and adolescence.

Acne and adolescence can be improved when you see a dermatologist. A dermatologist may be able to work with the acne and adolescence situation and bring about great improvement.

Acne and adolescence can be made worse by certain medications like birth control pills. You should also avoid greasy creams and lotions if adolescence and acne are causing problems for your teen.

Make sure that the acne and adolescence problem is really not a reaction to allergies to food, cosmetics or other products.

Acne and adolescence may go together but it can be less of a problem with the correct solutions.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables And Dark Red Fruits Help Prevent Skin Cancer

According to recent statistics the rising incidence of skin cancer is one of the main problems in United States. Considering that this condition appears to be becoming an epidemic, very critical is to develop new approaches to primary and secondary prevention. As consequences we can see many studies exploring the therapeutic value of natural ingredients and researches suggest that common fruit and vegetables extracts may have an important clinical benefits in lowering risk for skin cancer.

It is well-known that fruits and vegetables contain a variety of minerals and vitamins and other bioactive substances that include lutein, flavonoids, folic acid, vitamins C and E, and fiber. The folic acid has a key role in repair and synthesis of DNA, and all dark green leafy vegetables are very rich in it. So, new findings show with no doubt that higher intakes of green leafy vegetables may help prevent Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tumors among patients who have prior skin cancers.

Another new finding is that pigment that gives certain fruits their dark red colors has an antioxidant activity higher than that of green tea and red wine. Researchers evaluated that pomegranate fruit extract (PFE) is capable of inhibiting conventional as well as new biomarkers of TPA-induced tumors and they may have chemopreventive action in a wide category of tumor models.

Anitta Viali is a freelance writer interested in issues such as a skin formula to avoid diseases.

Skin Toners: The Way Nature Intended

There is a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness and necessity of skin toners. Whether or not you choose to use skin toner within your own skincare routine is up to you.

Some people object to create their own skin toners as opposed to going out and buying it. The benefits of this method of creating your own recipes is obviously that you will know exactly what is going into you or skin toner concoction because you are the one designing it.

Obviously you should be fairly comfortable with reading your own toners if you're going to utilize this method. But for those of you who are might want to consider the costs associated with having certain natural ingredients such as rose petals and any number of organic natural recipes.

Some skin toners are made from harvest fruit or vegetables and will wide not only a natural solution for a toner but will make you look especially tasty, heh.

Just from reading the first few paragraphs of this article you should already begin to imagine the amazing number of possibilities not only in the creation of a skin toner or the acquisition of skin toner but in terms of the application. However if you simply just want to get this process done within your skincare regimen you should just go buy from your corner grocery pharmacy or supermarket.

Natural skin care product items that are home made may require an initial investment in time, but may be worth it for you. The choice is yours- please visit for more articles.

Using The Best Herbs For Acne Cures

When it comes to curing your facial problems naturally, look towards the best herbs for acne cures.

There are many items found both locally and internationally that can solve any skin issues you may be experiencing.

Whether you choose use the complete plant or merely the extract when trying to cure your skin blemishes, there are many options available.

Perhaps the best herbs for acne cures are those found in your own backyard.

You can either grind these plants up and create masques or washes of your own or purchase professional products that include these plants that are available in your local drug store or department store.

Most herbal medications or treatments that will naturally control your acne are available at nature stores in your area.

Contact your local whole foods store that specializes in wholesome or organic goods in order to find the best herbs for acne problems.

Just as their food is wholesome and does not contain any preservatives or potentially harmful ingredients, the washes, creams, salves, and balms sold in these stores are a great way to control all your skin problems.

Furthermore, you may be able to find excellent products at vitamin stores that specialize in oral administrations that can control all issues using natural ingredients.

The Internet is a great place to search when looking for products that will control all your skin issues.

From one-time treatments to products you should use continually to achieve the best results, anything and everything is available at and from Proactiv.

These natural products can be found at a variety of virtual stores specializing in herbal treatments for all types of problems.

Just as with any treatment, speak with your primary care physician before you try any item to control your skin problems.

He or she may be able to help you find the most appropriate product that will naturally solve your skin care problems.

'Discover the Remedies and Treatment regarding Acne and Skin Care', find some at Skin Care and Acne Control

Acne And Stress

Stress - Since your skin in your largest organ, how you live can sure influence how healthy your skin is. And stress, not necessarily bad stress, but rather certain external and internal stressors, factor into this health equation. So let's take a look at how to handle these stressors with regards to acne prevention.

External Stressors- A goal of acne prevention would be to keep your skin pores clear from clogging and becoming infected and irritated, resulting in blemishes and inflammation. So you need to take a look at your external environment throughout the day for factors that could trigger skin pore clogging. Here are some examples of what to look for: grease, oils and sun, like being around open fryers in kitchen areas, or around machine oil and grease in workshops or factories, or out in the sun all day on a construction jobsite. Too much oil, grease or sun on the skin can clog pores and trigger acne and other skin irritations.

Minimize contact by wearing long sleeves and other protective wear and gear and discussing further options with your dermatologist or healthcare provider. With regards to being out in the sun, note that a small amount of sun each day can be fine and healthy. However, extended periods can trigger the sebaceous glands to create more oil as your skin dries out. At the same time, the dried out skin needs to be cast off or shed at a faster rate than normal. The resulting extra oils and dead skin make a wonderful environment for pore clogging. So here, too, use protective clothing for outdoor activities and apply sunscreen; oil-free products are best for acne-prone people, and those with a minimum protection of SPF 15 and both UVA and UVB protection.

Internal Stressors - Internal stressors like anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, depression and a variety of other internalized emotions, can trigger chemical reactions inside your body that can result in acne flare-ups and other skin irritations. What happens is that these emotions can set your adrenal glands to work creating more cortisol, the substance that in turn causes your sebaceous glands to produce increased amounts of sebum oil, excessive amounts of which can be blocked in pores. Same old story: extra oil + extra dead skin cells = blocked pores, triggering acne flare-ups. With internal stressors, though, the results are usually inflamed papules or small, solid inflammations (or skin elevations that do not contain pus), instead of whiteheads or blackheads.

To combat internal stressors and prevent acne problems, here are some suggestions. Get plenty of rest and sleep a recommended average of eight hours per night. Try to maintain regular hours each day, regardless of which shift your work. Some say to focus on reducing SWAT: reduce your stress, worry, anxiety and tension, so journal a little each day mentioning any SWAT stressors you've felt. And focus on those that may seem overwhelming or to be taking too long to end, seeking help from others or other resources as needed for stress management. Check with your dietician or healthcare provider to establish and follow a regular well-balanced dietary and exercise plan of action to keep your body healthy on the inside and outside. Keep a check list of Things that Calm You handy for stressful times, like reading a book, resting, listening to music, taking a walk, going out for an ice cream cone, etc.

Michael Raetford writes for You will find a lot of very useful acne information together with news, articles and a huge range of resources. Take a look now!