What You Need to Know About Acne

Acne doesn?t discriminate. It can effect anyone irregardless of their age, race or ethnicity. It is unpleasant to have acne and can cause many social issues. Avoiding acne may be impossible, but there are things you can do to avoid a serious case of acne. If you already have acne there are many treatments available from home remedies to professional methods. Acne can really effect a person?s life so knowing everything you can about it can help you deal with it better.

Acne can occur anywhere on the body, but most often occurs on the face. It is caused by oil that get trapped in the pores. Acne comes in a few different forms: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or swollen nodules. The most common cause of acne is hormone changes which is why teens are more likely to experience it. There are, however, other reasons that acne occurs. Clogged pores can trap oil and result in acne. Some people are genetically predisposed to getting acne. Once you have experienced acne you are probably likely to want to prevent it from ever appearing again.

Avoiding acne may be impossible. Almost everyone experiences it. There are some simple ways to keep your acne at bay, though, and prevent serious breakouts. Washing your face and body with a non-irritating soap is the best way to prevent acne. Eating right has also been shown to keep skin clear. If you use cosmetics or other products you should use water-based products that are less likely to clog pores. Lastly, avoid touching your skin or picking at your skin. Your hands are very dirty and can transfer dirt to your face easily. These few ideas can help you avoid many acne flare-ups.

Once you notice you have acne you are sure to want to get rid of it. Administer treatment when you feel it is necessary. A simple home remedy for decreasing the redness of acne is to apply a cream used to reduce the swelling associated with hemorrhoids or apply ice. Over-the-counter creams and liquids are easily found at a local drugstore. Most often these medications contain benzyl peroxide which kills bacteria and dries up the skin. If you have a severe case of acne you may seek help from your dermatologist. Most acne cases are easily cleared up with home remedies or OTC treatments.

Acne can be devastating to one?s self-esteem. Depending on the severity and our genetic background you may be able to avoid acne by keeping you pores clean from clogs. Treatments for acne range from simple to complex. If you are in doubt about how to treat your acne or it is really severe you should consult your dermatologist.

The acne article was written by Craig Dawber, The infomation found in this website can without doubt can help your acne and skin care check it out http://www.acnewebsite.info