Wait! Don't Shower Yet!

Although you may be aware of the contaminants in drinking water these days, have you ever stopped to consider that the same pollutants are in your shower and bathing water? Would it surprise you to learn that your body actually absorbs more chemical contaminants like chlorine during a quick shower than all the water you will drink during the day?

Our skin being the largest organ on our body will absorb anything we put on it. Lotions, perfumes, creams and even contaminants in shower water quickly move into the blood stream as they by pass the liver, actually they absorb much more quickly than if we are ingesting them orally.

If you are concerned about drinking chlorinated water and the high cancer risks associated with it than consider this..... Two-thirds of the harmful chlorine exposure actually comes from showering.

A 15 minute hot steamy shower is equivalent to drinking 8 glasses of water because of the vapors inhaled. The EPA states that Due to chlorine and showering virtually every home in America has a detectable level of chloroform in the air. This is because chlorine vaporizes in steam and combines with other organic compounds into chloroform which is a strong respiratory irritant and causes fatigue. A warm shower opens pores and allows a high rate of absorption. During a shower, 98% of the water goes down the drain, while 70-90% of the chemicals vaporize before the water hits the ground and the vapors remain in the air.

Bathing in chlorinated water also strips the natural protective oils in the skin and hair causing scaling and itching and is a major irritant for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It kills the beneficial bacteria on the surface of the skin that offer a natural defense against skin disorders. So if you or a loved one suffers from a skin disorder, the most important step you can take is to eliminate the greatest irritant which is chlorine by investing in a quality shower filter. You will also love how soft and less dry your hair and skin is. A shower filter will be one of the best investments in your health and your family's health that you can make, and all for a very reasonable price.

Dawn Kornels is the technical writer for http://www.ultimatewaterfilter.com which offers articles and whole house water treatment systems.